$parent = @"
    "Property1":  "Property1Value",
    "Description":  "Generic Description",
    "SubProperties":  {
                       "SubSubTemplateProps": {
                                    SubSubSubTemplateProps1 : "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                    SubSubSubTemplateProps2 : {
                                                                  SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1 : [
                                                                            "Key":  "Name",
                                                                            "Value":  "Temp"
                                                                            "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                            "Value":  "Supprop2value"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Json

$templateobj = $parent.SubProperties.SubSubTemplateProps


for($j = 0; $j -lt 3; $j++)
$i = "{0:D2}" -f ($j+1)
$letters = @("a","b","c")
    foreach($letter in $letters)
        $newobject = $templateobj
        ($newobject.SubSubSubTemplateProps2.SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1 | ? {$_.key -eq "Name"}).Value = "NewValue$letter$i"
        $parent.SubProperties | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SubSubProp$letter$i" -Value $newobject

$parent |convertto-json -Depth 100


    "Property1":  "Property1Value",
    "Description":  "Generic Description",
    "SubProperties":  {
                          "SubSubPropa01":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValuea01"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"
                          "SubSubPropb01":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValueb01"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"
                          "SubSubPropa02":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValuea02"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"
                          "SubSubPropb02":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValueb02"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"


    "Property1":  "Property1Value",
    "Description":  "Generic Description",
    "SubProperties":  {
                          "SubSubPropa01":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValueb02"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"
                          "SubSubPropb01":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValueb02"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"
                          "SubSubPropa02":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValueb02"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"
                          "SubSubPropb02":  {
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps1":  "SubSubSubTemplateProps1",
                                                "SubSubSubTemplateProps2":  {
                                                                                "SubSubSubSubTemplateProps1":  [
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "Name",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "NewValueb02"
                                                                                                                       "Key":  "SupSubSubProp2",
                                                                                                                       "Value":  "Supprop2value"

有人能建议如何复制 node 并替换子值,然后将其添加回父 node ,而不覆盖所有其他子 node 吗?不知道为什么会这样.


如 comments 中所述,基本问题是:

  • [pscustomobject] instances, such as returned by ConvertFrom-Json are instances of a .NET reference type, which means that $newobject = $templateobj doesn't create a copy of the object stored in $templateobj in $newobject, it creates a copy of the reference to object $templateobj, so that $templateobj and $newobject end up pointing to the very same object. Only instances of .NET value types are themselves copied with simple assignments - see this answer for background information.
    Therefore, you ended up repeatedly modifying the very same object instead of independent copies of it.

  • 虽然是100 is a convenient method to create a shallow clone (copy) of a 101 instance,但这在您的情况下是不够的,因为您的实例还包含对象的property values个引用类型实例,然后这些引用类型实例又得到了references个副本.

    • 注:If you know the structure of the template object ahead of time,有simpler and more efficient solutions:

      • 使用literal [pscustomobject]对象定义inside your loop,它每次都会创建一个新实例-请参见the related answer.

      • 将模板构建为一个有序的hashtable([ordered] @{ ... }),并在循环中每次需要新副本时将其转换为[pscustomobject]——参见this answer

      • 定义一个自定义class,并在每次循环迭代中实例化它——参见this answer.

如果do需要deep-cloning of 100 graphs,请使用helper function
(定义如下)和-Deepswitch :

$newobject = Copy-PSCustomObject -Deep $templateobj

Helper function 100:


  • 映射到基元的基元JSON类型.NET类型和[string],所有这些都是.净value types或者,在[string]的情况下,像他们一样行事.

  • Nested[pscustomobject]个相同成分的实例.

  • 其中Arrays个.

function Copy-PSCustomObject {
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    [PSCustomObject] $InputObject,
    [switch] $Deep

  begin {
    if ($Deep) {
      # Helper script block (anonymous function) for walking the object graph
      $sb = {
        $copy = $original.psobject.Copy()
        foreach ($prop in $copy.psobject.Properties) {
          if ($prop.Value -is [System.Collections.IEnumerable]) { # Presumed array
            $prop.Value = @($prop.Value) # Clone array
            foreach ($i in 0..($prop.Value.Count-1)) {
              $prop.Value[$i] = & $sb $prop.Value[$i] # Recurse
          elseif ($prop.Value -is [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]) {
            $prop.Value = & $sb $prop.Value # Recurse
          # Otherwise: assume it is a value type or string and needs no cloning.
        # Output the deep-cloned object


  process {
    if ($Deep) {
      & $sb $InputObject
    else {
      # Shallow copy.






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