
"All input is evil."


My question is if I have a Node.js server running Express and body-parser middleware to receive and parse JSON, do I need to run any sanitizing as well?

My (maybe naive?) thoughts on this are that JSON is only data, no code, and if somebody sends invalid JSON, body-parser (which uses JSON.parse() internally) will fail anyway, so I know that my app will receive a valid JavaScript object. As long as I don't run eval on that or call a function, I should be fine, shouldn't I?

Am I missing something?



  1. Apply exception handlers in the appropriate place as JSON.parse() can throw an exception.
  2. 不要假设那里有什么数据,在使用之前必须明确测试数据.
  3. Only process properties you are specifically looking for (avoiding other things that might be in the JSON).
  4. Validate all incoming data as legitimate, acceptable values.
  5. Sanitize the length of data (to prevent DOS issues with overly large data).
  6. 不要将这些传入的数据放在可以对其进行进一步判断的地方,例如直接放在页面的HTML中,或直接注入SQL语句中,而无需进一步消毒以确保其在该环境中是安全的.


As an example, here's a parsing function that expects an object with properties that applies some of these checks and gives you a filtered result that only contains the properties you were expecting:

// pass expected list of properties and optional maxLen
// returns obj or null
function safeJSONParse(str, propArray, maxLen) {
    var parsedObj, safeObj = {};
    try {
        if (maxLen && str.length > maxLen) {
            return null;
        } else {
            parsedObj = JSON.parse(str);
            if (typeof parsedObj !== "object" || Array.isArray(parsedObj)) {
                safeObj = parseObj;
            } else {
                // copy only expected properties to the safeObj
                propArray.forEach(function(prop) {
                    if (parsedObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                        safeObj[prop] = parseObj[prop];
            return safeObj;
    } catch(e) {
        return null;





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