I have a big old config object. Something like:

var object = {
  item1: 'value1',
  item2: 1000,
  item3: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
  item4: [1, 2, 3],
  item5: {
    foo: 'bar'

... 等等我想把它重写为有效的JSON,这样它就可以通过intertube传递,但我不想在文件中的每一行都手动添加双引号.当然,我不介意手动将整个内容包装在括号中,并将初始分配更改为第一个属性,但除此之外,我希望有一些资源可以完成繁重的工作.



  1. 启动Firefox/Chrome/Safari
  2. Open Firebug/developer tools
  3. Copy/paste your code into the console.
  4. 然后输入console.log(JSON.stringify(object)),瞧

  5. Copy/paste back into your text editor.

For more control over the formatting, I have a free online webpage:


that lets you paste JSON or JS values in one box and see JSON at the bottom, with lots of knobs and sliders to adjust how it looks. For example, the JS value ["foo","bar",{dogs:42,piggies:0,cats:7},{jimmy:[1,2,3,4,5],jammy:3.14159265358979,hot:"pajammy"}] can be formatted like any of the following (and more):

    "foo",                            <- adjustable indentation
    {"dogs":42,"piggies":0,"cats":7}, <- small objects on one line!
        "jimmy":[1,2,3,4,5],          <- small arrays on one line!
        "jammy":3.142,                <- decimal precision!
  { "cats":7, "dogs":42, "piggies":0 }, <- spaces inside braces!
    "hot":"pajammy",                    <- sort object keys!
    "jimmy":[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]           <- spaces after commas!
[ "foo",                           <- 'short' format puts first value
  "bar",                           <- on same line as opening bracket...
  { "dogs"    : 42,
    "piggies" : 0,                 
    "cats"    : 7 },               <- ...and close bracket with last value!
  { "jimmy" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
    "jammy" : 3.14159265358979,    <- spaces around colons!
    "hot"   : "pajammy" } ]        <- align object values!

Screenshot of NeatJSON webpage




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