I have code that relies heavily on yaml for cross-language serialization and while working on speeding some stuff up I noticed that yaml was insanely slow compared to other serialization methods (e.g., pickle, json).


>>> import yaml, cjson; d={'foo': {'bar': 1}}
>>> yaml.dump(d, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
'foo: {bar: 1}\n'
>>> cjson.encode(d)
'{"foo": {"bar": 1}}'
>>> import yaml, cjson;
>>> timeit("yaml.dump(d, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)", setup="import yaml; d={'foo': {'bar': 1}}", number=10000)
>>> timeit("yaml.dump(d, Dumper=yaml.CSafeDumper)", setup="import yaml; d={'foo': {'bar': 1}}", number=10000)
>>> timeit("cjson.encode(d)", setup="import cjson; d={'foo': {'bar': 1}}", number=10000)



In general, it's not the complexity of the output that determines the speed of parsing, but the complexity of the accepted input. The JSON grammar is very concise. The YAML parsers are comparatively complex, leading to increased overheads.

JSON’s foremost design goal is simplicity and universality. Thus, JSON is trivial to generate and parse, at the cost of reduced human readability. It also uses a lowest common denominator information model, ensuring any JSON data can be easily processed by every modern programming environment.

In contrast, YAML’s foremost design goals are human readability and support for serializing arbitrary native data structures. Thus, YAML allows for extremely readable files, but is more complex to generate and parse. In addition, YAML ventures beyond the lowest common denominator data types, requiring more complex processing when crossing between different programming environments.


Update天哪,误读了问题.:-(尽管输入语法很大,序列化仍然可以非常快;然而,浏览源代码,它看起来像PyYAML的Python级别的序列化constructs a representation graph,而Simplejson将内置的Python数据类型直接编码到文本块中.




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