I want to create a function to receive an input string which can be string in json format or just a string. For example, something easy like following function.

func checkJson(input string){
   if ... input is in json ... {
      fmt.Println("it's json!")
   } else {
      fmt.Println("it's normal string!")


I was unclear if you needed to know about just a "quoted string" or if you needed to know about json, or the difference between both of them, so this shows you how to detect both scenarios so you can be very specific.


package main

import (

func isJSONString(s string) bool {
    var js string
    return json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &js) == nil


func isJSON(s string) bool {
    var js map[string]interface{}
    return json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &js) == nil


func main() {
    var tests = []string{

    for _, t := range tests {
        fmt.Printf("isJSONString(%s) = %v\n", t, isJSONString(t))
        fmt.Printf("isJSON(%s) = %v\n\n", t, isJSON(t))


Which will output this:

isJSONString("Platypus") = true
isJSON("Platypus") = false

isJSONString(Platypus) = false
isJSON(Platypus) = false

isJSONString({"id":"1"}) = false
isJSON({"id":"1"}) = true


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