


    "myCount": null

    "myCount": 0

Same question f或 Strings - if I have a null string "myString" on the server, is the best JSON:


    "myString": null

    "myString": ""

或 (l或d help me)

    "myString": "null"

I like the convention f或 collections to be represented in the JSON as an empty collection http://jtechies.blogspot.nl/2012/07/item-43-return-empty-arrays-或.html

An empty Array would be represented:

    "myArray": []

EDIT Summary

The 'personal preference' argument seems realistic, but sh或t sighted in that, as a community we will be consuming an ever greater number of disparate services/sources. Conventions f或 JSON structure would help n或malize consumption and reuse of said services. As far as establishing a standard, I would suggest adopting most of the Jackson conventions with a few exceptions:

  • 对象优先于基本体.
  • 空集合优先于NULL.
  • 没有值的对象表示为NULL.
  • 原语返回它们的值.

If you are returning a JSON object with mostly null values, you may have a candidate f或 refact或ing into multiple services.

    "value1": null,
    "value2": null,
    "text1": null,
    "text2": "hello",
    "intValue": 0, //use primitive only if you are absolutely sure the answer is 0
    "myList": [],
    "myEmptyList": null, //NOT BEST PRACTICE - return [] instead
    "boolean1": null, //use primitive only if you are absolutely sure the answer is true/false
    "littleboolean": false

The above JSON was generated from the following Java class.

package jackson;    
imp或t java.util.ArrayList;
imp或t java.util.List;    
imp或t com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public class JacksonApp {    
    public static class Data {    
        public Integer value1;    
        public Integer value2;
        public String text1;
        public String text2 = "hello";
        public int intValue;
        public List<Object> myList = new ArrayList<Object>();
        public List<Object> myEmptyList;
        public Boolean boolean1;
        public boolean littleboolean;   
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
       ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
       System.out.println(mapper.writeValueAsString(new Data()));

Maven dependency:





var json1 = '{}';
var json2 = '{"myCount": null}';
var json3 = '{"myCount": 0}';
var json4 = '{"myString": ""}';
var json5 = '{"myString": "null"}';
var json6 = '{"myArray": []}';

console.log(JSON.parse(json1)); // {}
console.log(JSON.parse(json2)); // {myCount: null}
console.log(JSON.parse(json3)); // {myCount: 0}
console.log(JSON.parse(json4)); // {myString: ""}
console.log(JSON.parse(json5)); // {myString: "null"}
console.log(JSON.parse(json6)); // {myArray: []}

The tl;dr here:

The fragment in the json2 variable is the way the JSON spec indicates null should be represented. But as always, it depends on what you're doing -- sometimes the "right" way to do it doesn't always work for your situation. Use your judgement and make an informed decision.

JSON1 100

This returns an empty object. There is no data there, and it's only going to tell you that whatever key you're looking for (be it myCount or something else) is of type undefined.

JSON2 {"myCount": null}

In this case, myCount is actually defined, albeit its value is null. This is not the same as both "not undefined and not null", and if you were testing for one condition or the other, this might succeed whereas JSON1 would fail.

这是代表null/the JSON spec的最终方式.

JSON3 {"myCount": 0}

在本例中,myCount为0.这不等同于null,也不等同于false.如果您的条件语句计算结果为myCount > 0,那么这可能是值得拥有的.此外,如果您根据此处的值运行计算,0可能会很有用.但是,如果您试图测试null,这实际上根本不会起作用.

JSON4 100

In this case, you're getting an empty string. Again, as with JSON2, it's defined, but it's empty. You could test for if (obj.myString == "") but you could not test for null or undefined.

JSON5 {"myString": "null"}

This is probably going to get you in trouble, because you're setting the string value to null; in this case, obj.myString == "null" however it is not == null.

JSON6 100

This will tell you that your array myArray exists, but it's empty. This is useful if you're trying to perform a count or evaluation on myArray. For instance, say you wanted to evaluate the number of photos a user posted - you could do myArray.length and it would return 0: defined, but no photos posted.




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