
Initially I have a JSON like this:

json = {"aaa":[

And I would like to loop through all the key/value elements inside the JSON (aaa and bbb) and the retrieve the inner JSON arrays for looping again, so I tried

    var zzz = data;
       //some other stuff

However, I discovered that the first .each() function will regard the whole json as a single structure and will not loop on its element's key.The data parameter received from the .each() function is always the original json itself. I can never get the reference that pointing to the inner JSON array of aaa and bbb.

What would be the problem here and how should I loop for all the key/value elements in a JSON by jQuery properly?



$.each(json, function (key, data) {
    $.each(data, function (index, data) {
        console.log('index', data)




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