
JobSummary = Backbone.Model.extend({});

JobSummaryList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: JobSummary

JobSummarySnapshot = Backbone.Model.extend({
    url: '/JobSummaryList',

    defaults: {
        pageNumber: 1,
        summaryList: new JobSummaryList()

When I call fetch on the JobSummarySnapshot object, it gets everything... Except when I move through the summaryList collection they are all of type object and not JobSummary.

I suppose this makes sense since other than the defaults object, it doesn't know that the summaryList should be of type JobSummaryList. I can go through each item and convert it to a JobSummary object, but I was hoping there was a way to do it without having to do it manually.

Here's my test code (working jsfiddle here):

var returnData = {
    pageNumber: 3,
    summaryList: [
        id: 5,
        name: 'name1'},
        id: 6,
        name: 'name2'}

var fakeserver = sinon.fakeServer.create();
fakeserver.respondWith('GET', '/JobSummaryList', [200,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'},

var callback = sinon.spy();

var summarySnapshot = new JobSummarySnapshot();
summarySnapshot.bind('change', callback);


var theReturnedList = callback.getCall(0).args[0].attributes.summaryList;

_.each(theReturnedList, function(item) {
    console.log('Original Item: ');
    console.log(item instanceof JobSummary); // IS FALSE
    var convertedItem = new JobSummary(item);
    console.log('converted item: ');
    console.log(convertedItem instanceof JobSummary); // IS TRUE

更新: 我突然想到,我可以覆盖解析函数并将其设置为这样……我现在有这个了:

JobSummarySnapshot = Backbone.Model.extend({
    url: '/JobSummaryList',

    defaults: {
        pageNumber: 1,
        summaryList: new JobSummaryList()

    parse: function(response) {
        this.set({pageNumber: response.pageNumber});

        var summaryList = new JobSummaryList();

        this.set({summaryList: summaryList});

This works so far. Leaving the question open in case someone has comment on it....


Your parse() function shouldn't set() anything, its a better practice to just return the attributes, Backbone will take care of setting it. e.g.

parse: function(response) {
    response.summaryList = new JobSummaryList(response.summaryList);
    return response;

parse()返回的值都是passed to set().



set: function(attributes, options) {
    if (attributes.summaryList !== undefined && !(attributes.summaryList instanceof JobSummaryList)) {
        attributes.summaryList = new JobSummaryList(attributes.summaryList);
    return Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call(this, attributes, options);


edit I forgot to return from the set() method, the code is now updated


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