Gson user guide states that we should define default no-args constructor for any class to work with Gson properly. Even more, in the javadoc on Gson's InstanceCreator class said that exception will be thrown if we try to deserialize instance of class missing default constructor and we should use InstanceCreator in such cases. However, I've tried to test use Gson with class lacking default constructor and both serialization and deserialization work without any trouble.

Here is the piece of code for deserializaiton. A class without non-args constructor:

public class Mushroom {
    private String name;
    private double diameter;

    public Mushroom(String name, double diameter) { = name;
        this.diameter = diameter;

    //equals(), hashCode(), etc.

and a test:

public void deserializeMushroom() {
            new Mushroom("Fly agaric", 4.0),
            new Gson().fromJson(
                    "{name:\"Fly agaric\", diameter:4.0}", Mushroom.class));


所以我的问题是:could I actually use Gson without need to have default constructor or there is any circumstances when it will not work?


As of Gson 2.3.1.

Regardless of what the Gson documentation says, if your class doesn't have an no-args constructor and you have not registered any InstanceCreater objects, then it will create an ObjectConstructor (which constructs your Object) with an UnsafeAllocator which uses Reflection to get the allocateInstance method of the class sun.misc.Unsafe to create your class' instance.

Unsafe class个围绕着无参数构造函数的缺乏,有many other dangerous uses个.allocateInstance个州


So it doesn't actually need a constructor and will go around your two argument constructor. See some examples here.

If you do have a no-args constructor, Gson will use an ObjectConstructor which uses that default Constructor by calling

yourClassType.getDeclaredConstructor(); // ie. empty, no-args

My 2 cents: Follow what Gson says and create your classes with a no-arg constructor or register an InstanceCreator. You might find yourself in a bad position using Unsafe.


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