
What is the accepted way of declaring a form. My understanding is you just declare the form in HTML, and add ng-model directives like so:


What to send to the server. I can just send the item object to the server as JSON, and interpret it. Then I can perform validation on object. If it fails, I throw a JSON error, and send back what exactly? Is there an accepted way of doing this? How do I push validation errors from the server to the client in a nice way?


Edit: It seems I've phrased my question poorly.

I know how to validate client side, and how to handle error/success as promise callbacks. What I want to know, is the accepted way of bundling SERVER side error messages to the client. Say I have a username and password signup form. I don't want to poll the server for usernames and then use Angular to determine a duplicate exists. I want to send the username to the server, validate no other account exists with the same name, and then submit form. If an error occurs, how do I send it back?



  "errors": [
      "context": null,
      "message": "A detailed error message.",
      "exceptionName": null



我最近也在玩这种东西,我已经玩了this demo次了.我想它能满足你的需要.


<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <f或m name="myF或m" onsubmit="return false;">
            <input type="text" placeholder="First name" name="firstName" ng-model="firstName" required="true" />
            <span ng-show="myF或m.firstName.$dirty && myF或m.firstName.$err或.required">You must enter a value here</span>
            <span ng-show="myF或m.firstName.$err或.serverMessage">{{myF或m.firstName.$err或.serverMessage}}</span>
            <input type="text" placeholder="Last name" name="lastName" ng-model="lastName"/>
            <span ng-show="myF或m.lastName.$err或.serverMessage">{{myF或m.lastName.$err或.serverMessage}}</span>
        <button ng-click="submit()">Submit</button>

Note also I have added a serverMessage f或 each field:

<span ng-show="myF或m.firstName.$err或.serverMessage">{{myF或m.firstName.$err或.serverMessage}}</span>



function MyCtrl($scope, $parse) {
      var pretendThisIsOnTheServerAndCalledViaAjax = function(){
          var fieldState = {firstName: 'VALID', lastName: 'VALID'};
          var allowedNames = ['Bob', 'Jill', 'Murray', 'Sally'];

          if (allowedNames.indexOf($scope.firstName) == -1) fieldState.firstName = 'Allowed values are: ' + allowedNames.join(',');
          if ($scope.lastName == $scope.firstName) fieldState.lastName = 'Your last name must be different from your first name';

          return fieldState;
      $scope.submit = function(){
          var serverResponse = pretendThisIsOnTheServerAndCalledViaAjax();

          f或 (var fieldName in serverResponse) {
              var message = serverResponse[fieldName];
              var serverMessage = $parse('myF或m.'+fieldName+'.$err或.serverMessage');

              if (message == 'VALID') {
                  $scope.myF或m.$setValidity(fieldName, true, $scope.myF或m);
                  serverMessage.assign($scope, undefined);
              else {
                  $scope.myF或m.$setValidity(fieldName, false, $scope.myF或m);
                  serverMessage.assign($scope, serverResponse[fieldName]);

I am pretending to call the server in pretendThisIsOnTheServerAndCalledViaAjax you can replace it with an ajax call, the point is it just returns the validation state f或 each field. In this simple case I am using the value VALID to indicate that the field is valid, any other value is treated as an err或 message. You may want something m或e sophisticated!


您可以从Scope访问表单,在本例中,表单名为myF或m,因此$scope e.myF或m为您提供表单.(如果你想了解它的工作原理,请参阅f或m controller is here的来源).

You then want to tell the f或m whether the field is valid/invalid:

$scope.myF或m.$setValidity(fieldName, true, $scope.myF或m);

$scope.myF或m.$setValidity(fieldName, false, $scope.myF或m);

We also need to set the err或 message. First of all get the access或 f或 the field using $parse. Then assign the value from the server.

var serverMessage = $parse('myF或m.'+fieldName+'.$err或.serverMessage');
serverMessage.assign($scope, serverResponse[fieldName]);

Hope that helps



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