我正在学习d3.d3 js中有certain ways of loading the data个.但他们似乎都做出了一个决定.在我的场景中,我已经有了字符串中的json数据.如何使用此字符串而不是发出另一个http请求?我试图寻找这方面的文档,但没有找到.

This works:

d3.json("/path/flare.json", function(json) {
    //rendering logic here

Now, if I have:

//assume this json comes from a server (on SAME DOMAIN)
var myjson = '{"name": "flare","children": [{"name": "analytics","children": [{"name": "cluster","children": [{"name": "MergeEdge", "size": 10 }]}]}]}'; 

How do I use already computed 'myjson' in d3 & avoid a async call to server? Thanks.


Simply replace d3.json call with

json = JSON.parse( myjson );


var myjson = '{"name": "flare","children": [{"name": "analytics","children": [{"name": "cluster","children": [{"name": "MergeEdge", "size": 10 }]}]}]}';

// d3.json("/path/flare.json", function(json) { #delete this line

    json = JSON.parse( myjson ); //add this line

    //rendering logic here

//} #delete this line

UPDATE 09/2013

Original code has changed. So varname json should be root:

// d3.json("flare.json", function(error, root) { #delete this line

    root = JSON.parse( myjson ); //add this line

    //rendering logic here

//} #delete this line




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