Does scrollIntoView() work in all browsers? If not is there a jQuery alternative?


It is supported yes, but user experience is... bad.

As @9bits pointed out, this has long been supported by all major browsers. Not to worry about that. The main problem is the way that it works. It simply jumps to a particular element that may as well be at the end of the page. By jumping to it, users have no idea whether:

  • 页面已向上滚动
  • page has been scrolled down
  • they've been redirected elsewhere


The last one may be true especially if the page has moving header that gets scrolled out of view and remaining page design doesn't imply anything on being on the same page (if it also doesn't have any total height vertical element like left menu bar). You'd be surprised how many pages have this problem. just check them out yourself. Go to some page, look at it at top, then press End key and look at it again. It is likely that you'll think it's a different page.

Animated scrollintoview jQuery plugin to the rescue

这就是为什么仍然有plugins that perform scroll into view个,而不是使用原生DOM函数.它们通常会设置滚动动画,从而消除上述三个问题.用户可以轻松跟踪移动.


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