
$.each($('#myTable input[name="deleteItem[]"]:checked').do_something());


$('#myTable input[name="deleteItem[]"]:checked').each(function() { do_something });

正在 Select 并执行操作的表格单元格的html如下所示:

<td width="20px"><input type="checkbox" class="chkDeleteItem" name="deleteItem[]" value="' . $rowItem['itemID'] . '" /></td>

I've gone over the jQuery documentation, but I still don't understand the difference. (Is it me or is that documentation sometimes slightly "nebulous" in clarity of content?)

Added Info:

Apparently my attempt a generic examples is confusing people! Along with the (previously) missing parenthesis in the first example. :(

The first example comes from a line in my code that removes the <tbody> for any rows with a checkbox that is checked:

$.each($('#classesTable input[name="deleteClasses[]"]:checked').parent().parent().parent().remove());


$('#classesTable input[name="deleteClasses[]"]:checked').each(function(){
    $('#classesList option[value="' + $(this).attr('value') + '"]').remove();

I understand that they do two different things, but not to the point that I'd be able to say "I need to use $.each() in this case and .each(function() {}) in another case.




.each是仅用于迭代jQuery的迭代器 对象集合,而jQuery.each($.each)是一般的 用于迭代JavaScript对象和数组的函数.


1) Using $.each() function

var myArray = [10,20,30];

$.each( myArray, function(index, value) {
   console.log('element at index ' + index + ' is ' + value);

element at index 0 is 10
element at index 1 is 20
element at index 2 is 30

2) Using .each() method

$('#dv').children().each(function(index, element) {
    console.log('element at index ' + index + 'is ' + (this.tagName));
    console.log('current element as dom object:' + element);
    console.log('current element as jQuery object:' + $(this));

element at index 0 is input
element at index 1 is p
element at index 2 is span



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