I have a form on my page and am dynamically adding controls to the form with Javascript/JQuery. At some point I need to get all the values in the form on the client side as a collection or a query string. I don't want to submit the form because I want to pass the form values along with other information that I have on the client to a back-end WCF/Ajax service method. So I'm trying to figure out how to capture all the values in the same type of collection that the form would normally send to the server if the form was actually submitted. I suspect there is an easy way to capture this, but I'm stumped.


The jquery form plugin offers an easy way to iterate over your form elements and put them in a query string. It might also be useful for whatever else you need to do with these values.

var queryString = $('#myFormId').formSerialize();



var queryString = $('#myFormId').serialize();


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