我正在阅读RSS feed篇文章,并将标题和链接放入Jquery的数组中.

What i did is

var arr = [];

                $.each(data.news, function(i,news){
                    var title = news.title;
                    var link = news.link;
                    arr.push({title : link});


                $.each(arr, function(index, value){
                    alert( index +' : '+value);

But it Giving me Output as

1:[Object Object]
2:[Object Object]
3:[Object Object]

like this ...

如何将tilelink作为一对(title as key and link as value)


There are no keys in JavaScript arrays. Use objects for that purpose.

var obj = {};

$.getJSON("displayjson.php",function (data) {
    $.each(data.news, function (i, news) {
        obj[news.title] = news.link;

// later:
$.each(obj, function (index, value) {
    alert( index + ' : ' + value );

In JavaScript, objects fulfill the role of associative arrays. Be aware that objects do not have a defined "sort order" when iterating them (see below).

However, In your case it is not really clear to me why you transfer data from the original object (data.news) at all. Why do you not simply pass a reference to that object around?

You can combine objects and arrays to achieve predictable iteration and key/value behavior:

var arr = [];

$.getJSON("displayjson.php",function (data) {
    $.each(data.news, function (i, news) {
            title: news.title, 
            link:  news.link

// later:
$.each(arr, function (index, value) {
    alert( value.title + ' : ' + value.link );


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