当我选中一个复选框时,我希望它变成<p> #0099ff.

When I uncheck the checkbox, I want it to undo that.

Code I have so far:

    if ($('#checkbox').attr('checked')) {
        /* NOT SURE WHAT TO DO HERE */


I would use .change() and this.checked:

    var c = this.checked ? '#f00' : '#09f';
    $('p').css('color', c);


On using this.checked
Andy E has done a great write-up on how we tend to overuse jQuery: Utilizing the awesome power of jQuery to access properties of an element. The article specifically treats the use of .attr("id") but in the case that #checkbox is an <input type="checkbox" /> element the issue is the same for $(...).attr('checked') (or even $(...).is(':checked')) vs. this.checked.


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