I'm having problems using a variable as the selector for a paragraph on which I want to take action. Specifically I have several title elements and the same number of paragraphs. The desired result is that if I click on Title1 then I take an action on paragraph1. I made a simple case for development purposes whereby if I click on a title then the text of the corresponding paragraph changes color. If I hard code the solution it works but passing in a variable as the selector fails.

The jQuery is as follows:


        var target=(event.target.id);// Get the id of the title on which we clicked. We will extract the number from this and use it to create a new id for the section we want to open.
        alert(target);// checking that we are getting the right value.
        var openaddress=target.replace(/click/gi, "section");//create the new id for the section we want to open.
        alert('"#'+openaddress+'"');//Confirm that the correct ID has been created
        $('"#'+openaddress+'"').css( "color", "green" );//get the id of the click element and set it as a variable.
        //$("#section1").css( "color", "green" );//Test to confirm that hard coded selector functions correctly.

            return false;// Suppress the action on the anchor link.


该alert 返回以下变量 返回的alert 显示变量的值 其看起来是正确的并且与硬编码版本匹配. 我省略了html,因为它在硬编码版本中工作,我想那一侧没有问题.




你的 idea 太复杂了.实际上只有$('#'+openaddress)美元.


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