I have several input and option elements on my page, each (well almost) have an event attached to update some text on the page once they change. I use jQuery which is really really cool :)

I also use Microsofts Ajax framework, utilizing the UpdatePanel. The reason why I do that is that certain elements are created on the page based on some server-side logic. I don't really want to explain why I use the UpdatePanel - even if it could (it can with quite some effort) be rewritten to use only jQuery I still want that UpdatePanel.

You probably guessed it - once I have a postback on the UpdatePanel the jQuery events stops working. I actually was expecting this, since the "postback" is not really a new postback so my code in document.ready that binds the events won't be fired again. I also confirmed my suspicion by reading up on it in the jQuery help libraries.



由于您使用的是ASP.NET AJAX,因此您将可以访问一个pageLoad事件处理程序,每当页面从UpdatePanel回发时都会调用该事件处理程序,无论它是完整的还是部分的.你只需要把这个函数放到你的页面上,不需要连接.

function pageLoad(sender, args)
   if (args.get_isPartialLoad())
       //Specific code for partial postbacks can go in here.


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