我正在处理一个Google Sheets脚本,其中我需要使用下拉菜单动态更新工作表,并根据特定条件将特定公式应用于行.我目前的方法包括迭代对象数组(MaintainedProcess),设置"Destination Unit"和"Responsible Manager"列的公式(如果尚未设置),然后使用这些更改更新工作表.此外,我使用基于从另一个工作表获取的数据的验证规则为几个列创建下拉菜单("数据验证").


maintainedProcesses.forEach((process, index) => {
  const rowIndex = index + 2; // Adjust for header row
  if (!process['Destination Unit']) {
    process['Destination Unit'] = `=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C:C;'Data Validations'!A:B,2,0);"")`;
  if (!process['Responsible Manager']) {
    process['Responsible Manager'] = `=IFERROR(IF(E${rowIndex}="Screening";AA${rowIndex};"");"")`;

await sheetManager.updateSheet(maintainedProcesses);

// Fetch validation data
const validationData = await sheetManagerValidations.readToJson();
const judicialActions = [...new Set(validationData.map(item => item['Judicial Action']))];
const subjects = [...new Set(validationData.map(item => item['Subject']))];
// etc. for other dropdowns

// Set dropdown menus
await sheetManager.setDropdownMenu(judicialActions, 'Judicial Action');
await sheetManager.setDropdownMenu(subjects, 'Subject');
// etc. for other dropdowns

SetDropdown Menu方法定义如下:

 * Sets a dropdown menu for a specified column in the active sheet using data validation. 
 * If the number of options exceeds 500, it uses an auxiliary sheet to store the options due to validation limit.
 * @param {Array} options - The options for the dropdown menu.
 * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column to which the dropdown should be applied.
async function setDropdownMenu(options, columnName) {
  if (!Array.isArray(options)) throw new TypeError('Parameter "options" is required and must be an array');
  if (typeof columnName !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Parameter "columnName" is required and must be a string');

  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  const header = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()[0];
  const columnId = header.indexOf(columnName) + 1;
  const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();

  if (options.length <= 500) {
    // Normal behavior for options within limit
    const rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(options, true).build();
    sheet.getRange(2, columnId, lastRow - 1, 1).setDataValidation(rule);
  } else {
    // Handling for a large number of options
    const dropdownSheetName = "DropdownLists";
    let dropdownSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(dropdownSheetName);
    if (!dropdownSheet) {
      dropdownSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().insertSheet(dropdownSheetName);

    // Finding an empty row to insert new options
    const startRow = dropdownSheet.getLastRow() + 1;
    const optionsColumn = options.map(option => [option]);
    dropdownSheet.getRange(startRow, 1, options.length, 1).setValues(optionsColumn);

    // Update data validation to use the range
    const validationRange = `${dropdownSheetName}!A${startRow}:A${startRow + options.length - 1}`;
    const rule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(dropdownSheet.getRange(validationRange), true).build();
    sheet.getRange(2, columnId, lastRow - 1, 1).setDataValidation(rule);


有没有更好的方法或最佳实践来通过Apps脚本将这些类型的更新应用到Google Sheet文档中,特别是减少跨多行添加下拉列表和公式所需的时间?

comments :

我特别感兴趣的是任何可以批量处理这些操作或使其更高效的策略. 我的环境是Google Apps脚本,可以访问Google Sheet API. 感谢您的真知灼见!


       * @summary Overwrite the sheet with new provided data
       * @async
       * @example
       * const sheetManager = new SheetManager(sheetName);
       * const data = [
       *  {'ID': '1029', 'DATE': '09/20/2023'},
       *  {'ID': '1030', 'DATE': '09/22/2023'}
       * ]
       * sheetManager.updateSheet(data)
       * @param {Array<Object>} data 1D array of objects
       * @param {Object} columnOptions Options for additional columns needed for writing
       * @param {Array} columnOptions.extraColumns Array of extra columns that may be needed
       * @param {String} columnOptions.individualSheetType Type of individual sheet: SCREENING, ACTION
       * @param {Object} clearOptions Options for sheet clearing
       * @param {Boolean} clearOptions.commentsOnly Clear comments only
       * @param {Boolean} clearOptions.contentsOnly Clear contents only
       * @param {Boolean} clearOptions.formatOnly Clear formatting only
       * @param {Boolean} clearOptions.validationsOnly Clear validations only
       * @param {boolean} force Forces the execution of overwrite
       * @returns {Promise<void>}
      async updateSheet(data, columnOptions = {
        extraColumns: null,
        individualSheetType: null
      }, clearOptions = {
        commentsOnly: false,
        contentsOnly: false,
        formatOnly: false,
        validationsOnly: false
      }, force = false) {
        const onlyReadIds = [this.configs.getConfigurationSpreadsheetId(), this.configs.getMasterSpreadsheetId(), this.configs.getLayoutSpreadsheetId()];
        if (onlyReadIds.includes(this.spreadsheetId) && !force) {
          console.error(`Attempt to overwrite the spreadsheet with ID ${this.spreadsheetId}.\nCheck if asynchronous functions (async) are being properly awaited (await)`);
          throw new Error(`Attempt to overwrite the spreadsheet with ID ${this.spreadsheetId}.`);
        if (!data) throw new TypeError('"data" parameter required');
        if (!Array.isArray(data)) throw new TypeError('"data" parameter must be of type Array<Object>');
        if (data.length > 0 && data.some(element => !this.isObject(element))) throw new TypeError('Elements of "data" must be of Object type');
        // Initialize headerManager. Headers filled via Layout
    const headerManager = new HeaderManager(new SheetManager(this.sheetName, this.configs.getLayoutSpreadsheetId(), this.oauth2Client));

    // Obtain the header of the active tab
    let newHeader = await headerManager.get(columnOptions);

    // Fill in the header without formatting
    headerManager.setStandardHeader(this.sheet, newHeader);

    // Clear content of the current tab
    const lastRow = this.sheet.getLastRow();
    const lastColumn = this.sheet.getLastColumn();
    const dataRange = this.sheet.getRange(2, 1, lastRow, lastColumn);

    // Convert array of objects to 2D data matrix
    const updatedDataMatrix = await this.jsonArrayToMatrix(data);

    // Fill in the standard formatted header
    headerManager.setStandardHeader(this.sheet, newHeader, true);

    // Get only the content (without header) of the data
    const dataContent = updatedDataMatrix.slice(1);

    // Return, if there is no content
    if (!dataContent || !dataContent[0]) return;

    // Overwrite active tab with content
    this.sheet.getRange(2, 1, dataContent.length, dataContent[0].length).setValues(dataContent);

    // Fill checkbox in the respective columns

    // Format data according to the columns (date, currency, ...)
    headerManager.setColumnFormat(newHeader, this.sheet);



  • 您希望降低脚本的处理成本.
  • 您只想修改函数setDropdownMenu.特别是,您需要修改将数据验证放入单元格的脚本.

在这种情况下,使用Sheets API进行数据验证如何?当将表API用于函数setDropdownMenu时,其变为如下.


在使用此脚本之前,请 Select please enable Sheets API at Advanced Google services.

function setDropdownMenu(options, columnName) {
  if (!Array.isArray(options)) throw new TypeError('Parameter "options" is required and must be an array');
  if (typeof columnName !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Parameter "columnName" is required and must be a string');

  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Added
  const sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(); // Modified

  const header = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()[0];
  const columnId = header.indexOf(columnName) + 1;
  const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();

  const requests = [];
  if (options.length <= 500) {

    // Modified
      repeatCell: {
        cell: { dataValidation: { condition: { values: options.map(e => ({ userEnteredValue: e })), type: "ONE_OF_LIST" }, showCustomUi: true } },
        range: { sheetId: sheet.getSheetId(), startRowIndex: 1, endRowIndex: lastRow, startColumnIndex: columnId - 1, endColumnIndex: columnId },
        fields: "dataValidation"

  } else {
    const dropdownSheetName = "DropdownLists";
    let dropdownSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(dropdownSheetName);
    if (!dropdownSheet) {
      dropdownSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().insertSheet(dropdownSheetName);
    const startRow = dropdownSheet.getLastRow() + 1;
    const optionsColumn = options.map(option => [option]);
    dropdownSheet.getRange(startRow, 1, options.length, 1).setValues(optionsColumn);
    const validationRange = `${dropdownSheetName}!A${startRow}:A${startRow + options.length - 1}`;

    // Modified
      repeatCell: {
        cell: { dataValidation: { condition: { values: [{ userEnteredValue: `=${validationRange}` }], type: "ONE_OF_RANGE" }, showCustomUi: true } },
        range: { sheetId: sheet.getSheetId(), startRowIndex: 1, endRowIndex: lastRow, startColumnIndex: columnId - 1, endColumnIndex: columnId },
        fields: "dataValidation"


  // Added
  if (requests.length == 0) return;
  SpreadsheetApp.flush(); // This line might not be required to be used.
  Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ requests }, ss.getId());
  • 修改后的脚本显示与原始脚本相同的结果.



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