我明白,演员体内的所有并行工作不知何故都会变成连续剧,这是某种同步过程的一部分.我们可以看到,应该并行完成的async let个工作在Actor1中是按顺序完成的,这很可能是由于参与者的内部同步.但是,尽管AnActor内部同步,但withTaskGroup-工作并行运行,但为什么?)


import SwiftUI

struct MyApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView().task {
                //await AnActor().performAsyncTasks() // uncomment this alternately and run
                //await Actor1().performAsyncTasks() // uncomment this alternately  and run

actor Actor1 {
    func performAsyncTasks() async {
        async let _ = asyncTasks1() // this not running in parallel
        async let _ = asyncTasks2() // this not running in parallel
    func asyncTasks1() async {
        for i in 1...10_000_0 {
            print("In Task 1: \(i)")
    func asyncTasks2() async {
        for i in 1...10_000_0 {
            print("In Task 2: \(i)")
}  // the printed text are in series with Task 1 and Task 2 in console

actor AnActor {
    var value = 0

    func performAsyncTasks() async {
        value = await withTaskGroup(of: Int.self) { group in
            group.addTask { // this running in parallel, why?!
                var value1 = 0
                for _ in 1...10_000 {
                    value1 += 1
                return value1

            group.addTask { // this running in parallel, why?!
                var value2 = 0
                for _ in 1...10_000 {
                    value2 += 1
                return value2

            return await group.reduce(0, +)

}  // the printed text are mixed with Task 1 and Task 2 in console



actor Actor1 {
    func performAsyncTasks() async {
        async let _ = asyncTasks1() // this not running in parallel
        async let _ = asyncTasks2() // this not running in parallel
    func asyncTasks1() async {
        for i in 1...10_000_0 {
            print("In Task 1: \(i)")
    func asyncTasks2() async {
        for i in 1...10_000_0 {
            print("In Task 2: \(i)")


我们可以看到,应该并行完成的async let个工作是在Actor1中按顺序完成的

是的,通常async let可以让 routine 并发运行.但这不会在这里发生,因为这两个功能都独立于同一个参与者,并且没有await个停止点.


如果async letlet _ = await asyncTasks1()…的缩写


如果你想看到并行执行,你可以使用async let.您只需要使用非隔离函数:

actor Foo {
    func performAsyncTasks() async {
        async let value1 = asyncTasks1() // this IS running in parallel
        async let value2 = asyncTasks2() // this IS running in parallel
        let total = await value1 + value2

    nonisolated func asyncTasks1() async -> Int {
        await poi.interval(name: #function) {
            var value = 0
            for _ in 1...1_000_000_000 {
                value += 1
            return value

    nonisolated func asyncTasks2() async -> Int {
        await poi.interval(name: #function) {
            var value = 0
            for _ in 1...1_000_000_000 {
                value += 1
            return value


enter image description here


import os.log

let poi = OSLog(subsystem: "Test", category: .pointsOfInterest)

extension OSLog {
    func interval<T: Sendable>(name: StaticString, block: () async throws -> T) async rethrows -> T {
        let id = OSSignpostID(log: self)
        os_signpost(.begin, log: self, name: name, signpostID: id)
        defer { os_signpost(.end, log: self, name: name, signpostID: id) }
        return try await block()



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