我正在用Xcode14.3在iOS 16.1上开发一个3D场景.我有一个绕原点在斜坡上轨道的矩形平面,我想使用GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt使该平面始终面向原点.



enter image description here


// Get the lookat scene origin matrix for the rectangle
var lookAtSceneOriginGLKMatrix = GLKMatrix4Identity
var lookAtSceneOriginInverse = GLKMatrix4Identity
var rectangleModelMatrix = float4x4()
var lookAtSceneOriginMat = float4x4()

lookAtSceneOriginGLKMatrix = GLKMatrix4Multiply(lookAtSceneOriginGLKMatrix, GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(self.currentSatX * self.appDelegate.getCurrentRectangle().getRenderHeight(), self.currentSatY * self.appDelegate.getCurrentRectangle().getRenderHeight(), self.currentSatZ * self.appDelegate.getCurrentRectangle().getRenderHeight(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0))
var isInvertible = true
lookAtSceneOriginInverse = GLKMatrix4Invert(lookAtSceneOriginGLKMatrix, &isInvertible)
lookAtSceneOriginMat = float4x4(convertToFloat4x4FromGLKMatrix: lookAtSceneOriginInverse)
rectangleModelMatrix = accumulatedRotationMatrix * lookAtSceneOriginMat * float4x4(scaleBy: 0.35)

// Draw the rectangular plane
    encoder: commandEncoder, modelMatrix: rectangleModelMatrix,
    projectionMatrix: projectionMatrix * viewMatrix


正如 comments 中提到的,上方向向量始终指向y轴的方向.它应该垂直于方向向量.

let x = self.currentSatX * self.appDelegate.getCurrentRectangle().getRenderHeight()
let y = self.currentSaty * self.appDelegate.getCurrentRectangle().getRenderHeight()
let z = self.currentSatZ * self.appDelegate.getCurrentRectangle().getRenderHeight()

let direction = GLKVector3Make(x, y, z) //vector from planes postion to origin

let yAx = GLKVector3Make(0, 1, 0) // y axis

let side = GLKVector3CrossProduct(direction, yAx) //perpendicular vector to direction

let up = GLKVector3CrossProduct(side, direction) //perpendicular vector to side
let normalizedUp = GLKVector3Normalize(up)

lookAtSceneOriginGLKMatrix = GLKMatrix4Multiply(lookAtSceneOriginGLKMatrix, GLKMatrix4MakeLookAt(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, normalizedUp.x, normalizedUp.y, normalizedUp.z))


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