
*  Role will ALWAYS reserve the session key "role".
package goserver

const (
    ROLE_KEY string = "role"

type Role string

//if index is higher or equal than role, will pass
type RolesHierarchy []Role

func (r Role) String() string {
    return string(r)

func NewRole(session ServerSession) Role {
    return session.GetValue(ROLE_KEY).(Role)

func (this Role) IsRole(role Role, hierarchy RolesHierarchy) bool {
    if role == this {
        return true
    if len(hierarchy) == 0 {
        return false
    var thisI int = 0
    var roleI int = 0
    //Duped roles in hierarchy are verified in verifyConfig during parse
    for i, r := range hierarchy {
        if this == r {
            thisI = i
        if role == r {
            roleI = i
    //TODO I can probably condense what follows into one if
    if thisI == 0 && roleI == 0 {
        return false
    return thisI >= roleI

func (this *Role) AssumeRole(session ServerSession, role Role) {
    session.SetValue(ROLE_KEY, role)
    *this = role


我正在考虑用IsRole()和AssumeRole()创建一个接口,但是"Roler"似乎非常不可靠.我开始意识到,除了标准的"er"后缀之外,我并不真正了解或曾经遇到过接口的命名约定.我似乎还记得VS C++的惯例是在所有内容前面加上一个"i".这是"惯用语"吗?




*  Role will ALWAYS reserve the session key "role".
package goserver

const (
    ROLE_KEY string = "role"

type Role string

//if index is higher or equal than role, will pass
type RolesHierarchy []Role

type RoleChecker interface {
    IsRole(Role, RolesHierarchy) bool

type RoleAssumer interface {
    AssumeRole(ServerSession, Role)

type RoleCheckerAssumer interface {

func (r Role) String() string {
    return string(r)

func NewRole(session ServerSession) Role {
    return session.GetValue(ROLE_KEY).(Role)

func (this Role) IsRole(role Role, hierarchy RolesHierarchy) bool {
    if role == this {
        return true
    if len(hierarchy) == 0 {
        return false
    var thisI int = 0
    var roleI int = 0
    //Duped roles in hierarchy are verified in verifyConfig during parse
    for i, r := range hierarchy {
        if this == r {
            thisI = i
        if role == r {
            roleI = i
    //TODO I can probably condense what follows into one if
    if thisI == 0 && roleI == 0 {
        return false
    return thisI >= roleI

func (this *Role) AssumeRole(session ServerSession, role Role) {
   session.SetValue(ROLE_KEY, role)
   *this = role





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