module CustomEnumerable
    def my_each ()
        # your code here!
        for i in 0...self.length
class Array
    include CustomEnumerable

[1,2,3,4].my_each { |i| puts i } # => 1 2 3 4
[1,2,3,4].my_each { |i| puts i * 10 } # => 10 20 30 40# yield calls a passed block (anonymous function) passed to the method

def some_method
  puts "Before caling the block"
  puts "After calling the block"

# if a method yields and there was no block
# an error is raised
some_method #=> no block given (yield) (LocalJumpError)

# Here is a shortened syntax of passing a block
some_method { puts "Hello from the block" } 
#=> Before caling the block
#=> Hello from the block
#=> After caling the block

# Here is the longer syntax of passing a block
some_method do
  puts "Hello from the block"

# You can use the `block_given?` method to
# determine whether a block is present
def method_with_optional_block
  puts "Before caling the block"
  yield if block_given?
  puts "After calling the block"

# No error is raised when no block has been passed
#=> Before caling the block
#=> After caling the block

method_with_optional_block { puts "Hello" }
#=> Before caling the block
#=> Hello
#=> After caling the block

# You can also capture the block as a `Proc`
def method_with_proc_block(&block)
  # same thing as `yield if block_given?` if block
  # You can forward the passed block to another method


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