#_Here is a thorough answer from Prof Google.
https://rb.gy/u8rubx# While Python doesn't support multi-line comments, it can ignore anything
inside a multi-line string!
Just wrap the comment in the three single quote marks,
'''# Python doesn't support multi-line comment blocks out of the box.
# The recommended way to comment out multiple lines of code in Python is
# to use consecutive single-line comments.
# feelsbadman#There is no way to comment multiple lines in Python.
#You just keep using "#" symbol to comment each line out.

Technically you could also use triple single quotation
marks like so, but this formatting does not count
as "true" source code comments that are removed by
a Python parser.
'''def increase_salary(sal,rating,percentage):
    """ increase salary base on rating and percentage
    rating 1 - 2 no increase
    rating 3 - 4 increase 5%
    rating 4 - 6 increase 10%
This is a multiline
'''#%% There are not multiline comments in python,
# this # is the only form of commenting but, people use
# """triple quotes""" for multiline commenting but this
# is actually a String the interpreter will read and 
# will ocupy memory. If you dont put this kind of string
# into a variable it will be collected on execution# This a comment
#Or This
#For a comment written in more than a line
#You just add triple quotes without assigning it a variable or putting it in a
#print statement
Like This
But only for Python
As far as i know
'''"""Put comments inside triple quotes""""""
This is a string written over
more than one line

print("Hello, World!")# Python is a language that doesn't support multiline comments
# In languages like JS, single line comments have // in the beginning
# and multiline comments have /* in the beginning
# and */ in the end
# the pound symbol in front of these five lines is the python equivalent of //
print("But there is a workaround!!!")
In python, multiline string is written with 3 double or single quotes, 
and the characters in between are treated as an entire string
but, if this string isn't assigned to a variable, python doesnt give any error
It instead ignores the string, similar to the behaviour it would have 
towards a comment. 
If this is string is put just after defining a function, it is treated as a 
docstring, or the documentation string of that function. So, it does have a 
meaning and is not exactly ignored by Python
def someFUnc():
  Python will treat this as a docstring


#   Python will treat this as a docstring


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