>>> N = 3
>>> st[:-N]
'abcdefg'str =  "string"
str = str[:-1]  # Returns "strin"str = "string_example"
str = str[:-1] # -> returns "string_exampl" (-> without the "e")# Python program to remove last character from a string using slice notation

text= 'Hello World!'
print(text[:-1])string = "Hello World"
string = string[:-1]  # This overwrite the string to have the last letter removed.
print(string)# Then we print the variable string#The rstrip() method removes any trailing characters (characters at the end 
#a string), space is the default trailing character to remove.

string = 'Bonjour!!!!!!!!!'

'Bonjour'your_string = "hello"
your_string = your_string[:-1] # this removes the last character from your string #Removing last three characters
foo = foo[:-3]'''
How to Remove the Last Component of a String
How to Move Back Up a Hierarchy with a Given Pathway/File Address
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3315045/remove-last-path-component-in-a-string

Note: If you are wanting to remove the last component of a string
but it has forward slashes rather than backslashes, you will
want to use ".normpath" instead of ".dirname"

import os.path

#Asks user for desired file pathway
inpDirectoryPath = input("What is your directory path? Enter here: ")
print("\n\nYour given pathfile is " + inpDirectoryPath + ". Now we will delete the last component of it.")

#this removes the last component of the given pathway.
deletedPathComponent = os.path.dirname(inpDirectoryPath)
print("\n\nThe path now looks like this: " + deletedPathComponent)


What is your directory path? Enter here: C:\Users\Justin\Documents\Homework\Calculus

Your given pathfile is: C:\Users\Justin\Documents\Homework\Calculus. Now we will delete the last component of it.

The path now looks like this: C:\Users\Justin\Documents\Homework
'''foo = foo[:-n]


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