Object.fromEntries(entries)// object.fromEntries Explain

// Note : it's work with array of an array 

let name  =['noor','alex','biker','hosler']
let ages = [ 11 , 13 , 15 , 17];

const newvalue=(
        return [nameArrayElement,ages[index]]

// output without using fromEntries

// [ [ 'noor', 11 ], [ 'alex', 13 ], [ 'biker', 15 ], [ 'hosler', 17 ] ]

const newvalueAfterFromEntries=Object.fromEntries(
        return [nameArrayElement,ages[index]]

// Output AfterFromEntries
// { noor: 11, alex: 13, biker: 15, hosler: 17 }

// BY Noor Mohammad Patwary


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