我在Nuxt.js应用程序中使用Vercel's AI SDK和它的useChat utility hook来创建聊天界面.我在一个 Select 菜单中有不同的代理(例如,普通、锻炼、心脏病),并且我想在useChats()‘S body对象中发送所选代理的值以及在服务器端 Select 适当系统提示的API请求.

However, I'm facing an issue where the 100 object is not updated reactively when the selected agent changes in the UI.

出于某种原因,这部分代码对用户SELECT没有react : body: { agent: selectedAgent.value } // <---- for some reason this is not being updated on menu change



Full client-side details below:

<div class="text-center mt-6">
      <select class="border border-2" v-model="selectedAgent" @change="changeAgent">
        <option v-for="(agent, index) in agentsList" :key="index" :value="agent">{{ agent }}</option>
      <div v-for="m in messages" key="m.id" >
        {{ m.role === "user" ? "User: " : "AI: " }}
        {{ m.content }}
<form @submit="handleSubmit">
        <input v-model="input" />

import {useChat} from 'ai/vue'
const agentsList = ['General', 'Exercise', 'Cardiology']
const selectedAgent = ref(agentsList[0]); // Default agent

const { messages, input, handleSubmit } = useChat({
  api: '/api/chat',
  headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
  body: { agent: selectedAgent.value } // <---- for some reason this is not being updated on menu change

const changeAgent = (e) => {
  selectedAgent.value = e.target.value;
  // Clear the chat messages when the agent is changed
  messages.value = []




Server-side code that expects the agent value from the request body (server/api/chat.ts):


import OpenAI from 'openai'
import { OpenAIStream } from 'ai'
import { CreateChatCompletionRequestMessage } from 'openai/resources/chat'

export default defineLazyEventHandler(async () => {
  const apiKey = useRuntimeConfig().OPENAI_API_KEY;
  if (!apiKey) throw new Error('Missing OpenAI API key')
  const openai = new OpenAI({
    apiKey: apiKey

  const agents = {
    Exercise: [
      // ... system prompts for exercise agent
    Cardiology: [
      // ... system prompts for cardiology agent
    General: [
      // ... system prompts for General agent
    // ... other agents

  return defineEventHandler(async event => {

    // Extract the `prompt` and `agent` from the body of the request
    const { messages, agent } = (await readBody(event)) as {
      messages: CreateChatCompletionRequestMessage[],
      agent: keyof typeof agents // Expecting one of the keys from the agents object

    // Select the agent's system prompts
    const agentSystemMessages = agents[agent] || []

    console.log('from server: ', messages, agent)

    try {
      // Create a chat completion request with the system prompts and messages
      const request = {
        model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
        stream: true,
        messages: [...agentSystemMessages, ...messages],
        temperature: 0.2,
        // top_p: 1,
        frequency_penalty: 0,
        presence_penalty: 0,
        max_tokens: 400 // set this limit to length of assistants responses

      // Send the request to OpenAI and get a response stream
      const response = await openai.chat.completions.create(request);

      // Return an OpenAIStream object that wraps the response stream
      return OpenAIStream(response)
    } catch (error) {
      // Return a 500 Internal Server Error response with a specific message
      return {
        status: 500,
        body: { error: 'An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later.' },


  • Nuxt版本:3.6.5


  • 我已经更新了changeAgent函数中的selectedAgent值,但useChat钩子中的body对象没有反映更新后的值.


如何使useChat钩子内的body对象对 Select 菜单中所选代理的更改做出react ?需要将此值发送到服务器以 Select 适当的系统提示.如有任何见解或指导,我们将不胜感激.


useChat Composable存在设计问题,并且在选项中没有提供提供被动式body的方法.通常,Vue惯用的解决方案是在Composable的参数中传递react 值的引用,这就是引用模式所服务的目的.

一旦这个选项has been provided,它应该被用作:

const body = computed(() => ({ agent: selectedAgent.value }));

const { messages, input, handleSubmit } = useChat({



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