我正在创建一个基本的SPA,但碰巧我用Vuex管理的状态和上面的Mutations 都是正确的,但是在我想要使用mapState和MapTranslations的每个组件中,我必须在本地导入它们.

    import {mapState,mapMutations  } from 'vuex';
    export default{
        computed : mapState(['isLoggedIn']),
        methods: {



    export default{
        computed : mapState(['isLoggedIn']),
        methods: {




store 服务

如果需要在vanilla JS中使用store,并且不想在任何地方公开store模块,那么可以定义一个服务模块.

import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
import $store from '@/store';

 * Simple mapping of the Vuex store UI module.
 * @module services/ui
 * @property {Function} pushMessage
export default Object.assign({
}, mapActions('ui', ['pushMessage']));


import ui from './services/ui';

// triggers the `pushAction` on the ui namespaced store module
ui.pushMessage({ content: 'whatever' });

Vue mixin


import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex';

export default {
    computed : mapState(['isLoggedIn']),
    methods: mapMutations(['logout'])


import mixin from './mixin';

export default {
  mixins: [mixin],
  data() {/* ... */},
  // etc.



import Vue from 'vue';
import { mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex';

export const mixin = {
    computed : mapState(['isLoggedIn']),
    methods: mapMutations(['logout'])


Personally, as a standard, I never map the state or mutations.

I only map getters and actions so my components don't need to know the state structure and that an action is async or not. I see getters and actions as the public API of a Vuex store (or any similar store, like Redux).

I also only map the relevant data. Components responsibility is to interact with the user of the app, displaying and handling events and nothing more. If all your components need the 100 object, maybe they're doing too much and that logic should probably be moved elsewhere, like in an action.

See more on 100


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