我在vue中使用CreateElement/render将父对象的props 向下传递到已创建的子对象时遇到问题.然后看.


Vue.component('my-drawing', MyDrawing)

new Vue({
  el: '#drawing',
  mounted() {
    Bus.$on('emitColorSelection', (emitString) => {
      console.log("inside socket.js/my-drawing and emitString is ", emitString);
      this.useColor = emitString;
      console.log('inside socket.js/my-drawing and this.useColor after set is ', this.useColor);

  data() {
    return {
      channel2: null,
      canvases: [],
      useColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)'
  render(createElement) {
    return createElement(MyDrawing, {
      props: {
        useThisColor: this.useColor



  //my template stuff

  watch: {
    useThisColor (n, o) {
      console.log("useThisColor watch, ", n, o) // n is the new value, o is the old value.
//stuff continues

所以这个手表标签不会输出.我也try 过将props 放在模板中而不产生任何效果,并try 将其输出到Updated:标签上.我还try 使用引号在父对象中设置props .到目前为止,一切都不管用,我有点困惑.如果有人有任何 idea ,请告诉我.





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