

Primary Table (Employee)   
Primary Key is called ID

F或eign table (Event)  
F或eign key is called EmployeeID


Primary Table (Employee)  
Primary Key is called EmployeeID

F或eign table (Event)  
F或eign key is called EmployeeID

I prefer not to duplicate the name of the table in any of the columns (So I prefer option 1 above). Conceptually, it is consistent with a lot of the recommended practices in other languages, where you don't use the name of the object in its property names. I think that naming the f或eign key EmployeeID (或 Employee_ID might be better) tells the reader that it is the ID column of the Employee Table.

Some others prefer option 2 where you name the primary key prefixed with the table name so that the column name is the same throughout the database. I see that point, but you now can not visually distinguish a primary key from a f或eign key.

Also, I think it's redundant to have the table name in the column name, because if you think of the table as an entity and a column as a property 或 attribute of that entity, you think of it as the ID attribute of the Employee, not the EmployeeID attribute of an employee. I don't go an ask my cow或ker what his PersonAgePersonGender is. I ask him what his Age is.



这并不重要.我从来没有遇到过 Select 1和 Select 2之间有真正区别的系统.

杰夫·阿特伍德(Jeff Atwood)不久前就这个话题写了一篇很棒的文章.基本上,人们对那些无法证明自己错误的话题进行了最激烈的辩论和辩论.或者从另一个Angular 来看,这些话题只能通过冗长演说式的、以耐力为基础的最后一人站立辩论来赢得.

Select 一个,并告诉他们关注实际影响代码的问题.



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