我有一些包含一些数据的 struct ,看起来像这样:

struct A {
    // Some data

struct B<'s> {
    a: &'s mut A
    c: C<'s>

impl<'s> B<'s> {
    fn new(a: &'s mut A, d: &'s D) -> B<'s> {
        let c = C::new(d);
        B { a, c }

    fn extract_c(self) -> C<'s> {

// A smart pointer provided by a library
struct C<'s> {
    d: &'s D,
    // Other fields holding some data, not referencing A

struct D {
    // Some other data not referencing A in any way (provided by a library)

我也有创建和修改所述 struct 的函数,如下所示:

fn modify(b: &mut B) {
    // Modifies b.a and b.c

fn construct_c<'s>(a: &'s mut A, d: &'s D) -> C<'s> {
    let mut b = B::new(a, d); // C is created in B::new
    modify(&mut b);


fn main() {
    let mut a = A::new();
    let d = D::new();
    let c = construct_c(&mut a, &d);  // First mutable borrow of `a`
    println!("{a}");   // Second borrow of `a`
    let result = do_sth_with_c(c);  // Move of `c`
    // Some other code...

然而,当我try 这样做时,编译器告诉我,当我调用do_sth_with_c时,我使用的是a的第一个可变借入,尽管c没有保存提供给construct_c的对a的引用.


EDIT 1: 当我将所有引用&mut A替换为Rc<RefCell<A>>时,代码编译.但是有没有其他不用RcRefCell的方法呢?

一百零二 在this answer岁之后,B岁再活一年似乎就解决了这个问题.

How 100 changed:

struct B<'a, 's> {
    a: &'a mut A,
    c: C<'s>,

// All functions that use `B` need to be updated as well


你在一条关于C的 comments 中写道,"其他一些数据没有以任何方式引用A".但是,通过使用相同的生命周期,您可以告诉编译器它们是相关的.因此,将您的定义从

struct B<'s> {
    a: &'s mut A
    c: C<'s>

fn construct_c<'s>(a: &'s mut A, d: &'s D) -> C<'s> {
    let mut b = B::new(a, d);
    modify(&mut b);

struct B<'s, 'c> {
    a: &'s mut A
    c: C<'c>

fn construct_c<'s, 'c>(a: &'s mut A, d: &'c D) -> C<'c> {
    let mut b = B::new(a, d);
    modify(&mut b);

Now each lifetime can vary independently, and in particular, the 'c lifetime is allowed 到 be longer than 's.

That said, I have 到 warn you that you may be trying 到 use references where owned data would be better. A common beginner mistake is 到 try 到 build data s到rage structures out of references, and this is usually not a good idea because it either turns out impossible, or highly constrains how the structure can be used.


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