我正在try 创建一个可以在diesel中用于插入的 struct .具体来说,我正在使 struct 可插入.编译时,我得到了这个错误.

我有一个 struct ,我正试图通过派生属性生成Insertable.我有一个名为Bounty的字段,它应该代表钱,所以我使用BigDecimal作为类型.编译后,我得到了标题中的错误.我也try 过使用f64,但也会出现同样的错误.

extern crate diesel;
extern crate bigdecimal;

mod schema {
    use bigdecimal::BigDecimal;
    table! {
        Threads (Id) {
            Id -> Int8,
            Views -> Int4,
            Points -> Int4,
            FlagPoints -> Int4,
            IsDisabled -> Bool,
            IsAnswered -> Bool,
            Bounty -> Numeric,
            Title -> Varchar,
            Body -> Text,
            UserId -> Int8,
            CreatedBy -> Varchar,
            CreatedOn -> Timestamptz,
            LastModifiedBy -> Varchar,
            LastModifiedOn -> Timestamptz,

    #[derive(Debug, Insertable)]
    #[table_name = "Threads"]
    pub struct InsertableThread { 
        pub Bounty: BigDecimal,
        pub Title: String,
        pub Body: String,
        pub UserId: i64

fn main() {}

我把我的 struct 放在它自己的文件里,这是完整的代码.struct Thread编译没有问题.错误发生在InsertableThread上,因为它是使用BigDecimal的.这就是导致的错误.

error[E0277]: the trait bound `bigdecimal::BigDecimal: diesel::Expression` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:29:21
29 |     #[derive(Debug, Insertable)]
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `diesel::Expression` is not implemented for `bigdecimal::BigDecimal`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::expression::AsExpression<diesel::sql_types::Numeric>` for `bigdecimal::BigDecimal`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `bigdecimal::BigDecimal: diesel::Expression` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:29:21
29 |     #[derive(Debug, Insertable)]
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `diesel::Expression` is not implemented for `bigdecimal::BigDecimal`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::Expression` for `&bigdecimal::BigDecimal`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::expression::AsExpression<diesel::sql_types::Numeric>` for `&bigdecimal::BigDecimal`

error[E0277]: the trait bound `bigdecimal::BigDecimal: diesel::Expression` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:29:21
29 |     #[derive(Debug, Insertable)]
   |                     ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `diesel::Expression` is not implemented for `bigdecimal::BigDecimal`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::Expression` for `&'insert bigdecimal::BigDecimal`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `diesel::expression::AsExpression<diesel::sql_types::Numeric>` for `&'insert bigdecimal::BigDecimal`

我使用的是Rust 1.34、diesel 1.4.2和Postgres 11.

我愿意更改数据库、Postgres或Rust代码中的类型.数据库使用numeric,在 rust 代码中,我try 了f64BigDecimal.我也愿意自己直接实现这个特性,但我需要一些关于如何实现的指导,因为我找不到样本.


Diesel使用Cargo features Select 加入增强功能.

我还没有找到一个清晰的文档页面,但它们列在its Cargo.toml中:

default = ["with-deprecated", "32-column-tables"]
extras = ["chrono", "serde_json", "uuid", "deprecated-time", "network-address", "numeric", "r2d2"]
unstable = ["diesel_derives/nightly"]
large-tables = ["32-column-tables"]
huge-tables = ["64-column-tables"]
x32-column-tables = ["32-column-tables"]
32-column-tables = []
x64-column-tables = ["64-column-tables"]
64-column-tables = ["32-column-tables"]
x128-column-tables = ["128-column-tables"]
128-column-tables = ["64-column-tables"]
postgres = ["pq-sys", "bitflags", "diesel_derives/postgres"]
sqlite = ["libsqlite3-sys", "diesel_derives/sqlite"]
mysql = ["mysqlclient-sys", "url", "diesel_derives/mysql"]
with-deprecated = []
deprecated-time = ["time"]
network-address = ["ipnetwork", "libc"]
numeric = ["num-bigint", "bigdecimal", "num-traits", "num-integer"]


diesel = { version = "1.4.2", features = ["numeric"] }
bigdecimal = "0.0.14"


extern crate diesel;

use crate::schema::threads;
use bigdecimal::BigDecimal;

mod schema {
    table! {
        threads (id) {
            id -> Int4,
            bounty -> Numeric,

#[derive(Debug, Insertable)]
#[table_name = "threads"]
pub struct InsertableThread {
    pub bounty: BigDecimal,







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