Since there may be a lot of Ghost Methods inside a ruby gem, I don't think it is a good idea to study the inner mechanism of a ruby gem just by reading its source code statically. Is there a way to attach the source file of a third-part gem to a running ruby process for debugging so that I can set break point and see how things work dynamically ?
BTW,I've tried to navigate to the source file of a third-part gem in RubyMine by clicking on the context menu "Go To->Implementations" of the 'require' statement or other symbol of an third-part gem( require 'watir' for example ), without success. Is it normal for an IDE of a dynamic typing language such as Ruby to fail a symbol navigation?



  1. 将ruby调试gem添加到gem文件中(如果使用ruby 1.9.2,则添加ruby-debug19)
  2. 通过做bundle show gemname找到Ruby .我在Mac电脑上,所以我通常会把它传送到pbcopy,这样它就会被复制到我的剪贴板上.bundle show rails | pbcopy
  3. 在你最喜欢的编辑器中打开gem目录.mvim /path/to/gem/directory
  4. 导航到要放置断点*的文件和行,并在相关行上方插入debugger.
  5. 重新加载页面,运行测试,或者做任何你想让Gem文件执行的事情
  6. 当执行在调试器停止时,您可以判断变量(p variable_name),并使用ruby debugger commands逐行移动.



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