我正在使用Ruby on Rails 3,我想知道下面代码中的:location => ...head :ok语句是什么意思,它们是如何工作的,以及我应该如何使用它们.

respond_to do |format|
    format.xml  { render :xml => @user, :status => :created, :location => @user }

respond_to do |format|
    format.xml  { head :ok }


  1. render ... :location => @user将设置HTTP location header以通知客户端新创建的资源的位置(即其URL)

  2. head :ok sets render to return an empty response (so just the header, no body) with status 200. head :ok is shorthand for render nothing: true, status: :ok.
    Here's a list of all the :status options you can use for setting the appropriate status code.


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