我已经使用react一段时间了,我知道Material UI https://material-ui.com/是为react构建的UI库.我的问题是——这个库(为react而构建)是否可以与react native一起使用?

在一些研究中,我发现react native有另一个UI库,名为react native paper,但我想知道Material UI是否可以与react native配合使用?


is a react based implementation of the material design system. It is meant for web development and the output that you get is HTML/ CSS (which are the building block of every web page).

is a framework that lets you build native mobile apps using the power and syntax of React. The native programming language of mobile apps depends on the mobile-os you are currently running. The React Native framework gives you the ability to program in React style, and the output will be a compiled version (os-specific) using the native OS language.



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_react2.default.PropTypes.function 未定义

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如何在 React Native 中禁用图像淡入效果?

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使用expo react-native链接?

在 react-native 中使用捏拉zoom 的可滚动图像