我不确定如何创建应用程序,但我不知道如何使用谷歌应用程序store 发布.

Error 1


; exp build:android
[exp] Making sure project is set up correctly...
/[exp] Warning: Not using the Expo fork of react-native. See https://docs.expo.io/.
\[exp] Warning: 'react-native' peer depencency missing. Run `npm ls` in /var/www/html/test/testme/osmosis-seek-android to see full warning.
[exp] If there is an issue running your project, please run `npm install` in /var/www/html/test/testme/osmosis-seek-android and restart.
[exp] Your project looks good!
[exp] Checking if current build exists...

[exp] No currently active or previous builds for this project.

? Would you like to upload a keystore or have us generate one for you?
If you don't know what this means, let us handle it! :)
[exp] Starting build process...
[exp] Publishing...
[exp] Published
[exp] Your URL is


[exp] Building...
[exp] Must specify a java package in order to build this experience for Android. Please specify one in app.json at "expo.android.package"


使用create-react-native-app创建的项目有两条通往Google Playstore 的路径.

Use the Expo exp build command

一种方法是使用Expo(我参与的一个项目)exp命令行工具来构建APK.exp命令行工具(和XDE GUI程序)可以加载使用CRNA创建的项目.设置好后,您可以运行exp build:android并在几分钟内收到APK.


   android: {
       package: "com.example.myapp"



另一种方法是使用CRNA的eject命令,它可以为您创建Xcode和Android项目文件.然后你会创建一个APK并将其提交到Play Store,就像其他任何React原生Android应用一样.这种方法的一个缺点是,在你退出CRNA后,你不能使用CRNA的工具,而且它也不会为你将来的升级提供帮助.



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