I am planning to develop an app for emerging market with low internet bandwidth. The app heavily requires an internet connection to function.
I need this app to have a small apk size (not more than 10mb) and work on 3G network.
Based on my research if I remove x86 JS binary files from React Native the apk size could be as small as 4mb. I suppose the 4mb does not include the JS files and images so client needs to download that first time when he/she opens the app, is that correct?
Would it in general be a good idea for me to use React Native if I want an app with less than 10mb apk size that works on 3G and what are the best practices to make it efficient?



1) 启用Proguard:


def enableProguardInReleaseBuilds = true


2) 在你的应用/构建中.梯度集

def enableSeparateBuildPerCPUArchitecture = true

3) 从过滤器中删除x86




链接play store上最小的RN应用之一:





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