我有一个dataframe c,有很多不同的列.此外,arr是对应于c:arr = c[c['A_D'] == 'A']的子集的数据帧.


  • 只需迭代行c['A_D'] == Dc['Already_linked'] == 0即可
  • arr数据帧中的hour必须小于c数据帧中的hour_aux
  • arr数据帧的第Already_linked列必须为0:arr.Already_linked == 0
  • 在c和arr数据帧中,TerminalOperator需要相同

现在,使用布尔索引和groupby get_group存储条件:

  • arr数据帧分组,以便 Select 相同的操作员和终端:g = groups.get_group((row.Operator, row.Terminal)
  • 仅 Select 小时数小于c数据帧中小时数且已链接==0:vb = g[(g.Already_linked==0) & (g.hour<row.hour_aux)]的到达

对于验证所有条件的c数据帧中的每一行,将创建一个vb数据帧.当然,这个数据帧在每次迭代中都有不同的长度.在创建vb数据帧之后,我的目标是 Select vb数据帧的索引,以最小化vb.START和c之间的时间[x].然后,对应于该索引的FightID被存储在列a上的c数据帧中.此外,由于到达链接到离开,arr数据帧中的Already_linked列从0更改为1.

需要注意的是,arr数据帧的列Already_linked在每次迭代中都可能发生变化(arr.Already_linked == 0是创建vb数据帧的条件之一).因此,无法并行化此代码.


另一种 Select 是每行使用pd.apply.尽管如此,这并不是很简单,因为在每个循环中,carr的值都会发生变化(而且,我相信即使是pd.apply,也会非常慢).



START     END       A_D     Operator     FlightID    Terminal   TROUND_ID   tot
0   2017-03-26 16:55:00 2017-10-28 16:55:00 A   QR  QR001   4   QR002       70
1   2017-03-26 09:30:00 2017-06-11 09:30:00 D   DL  DL001   3   "        "  84
2   2017-03-27 09:30:00 2017-10-28 09:30:00 D   DL  DL001   3   "        "  78
3   2017-10-08 15:15:00 2017-10-22 15:15:00 D   VS  VS001   3   "        "  45
4   2017-03-26 06:50:00 2017-06-11 06:50:00 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  9
5   2017-03-27 06:50:00 2017-10-28 06:50:00 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  19
6   2017-03-29 06:50:00 2017-04-19 06:50:00 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  3
7   2017-05-03 06:50:00 2017-10-25 06:50:00 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  32
8   2017-06-25 06:50:00 2017-10-22 06:50:00 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  95
9   2017-03-26 07:45:00 2017-10-28 07:45:00 A   DL  DL402   3   "        "  58


    START                    END             A_D  Operator  a   Already_linked
0   2017-03-26 16:55:00 2017-10-28 16:55:00 A   QR  0               1
1   2017-03-26 09:30:00 2017-06-11 09:30:00 D   DL  DL402           1
2   2017-03-27 09:30:00 2017-10-28 09:30:00 D   DL  DL401           1
3   2017-10-08 15:15:00 2017-10-22 15:15:00 D   VS  No_link_found   0
4   2017-03-26 06:50:00 2017-06-11 06:50:00 A   DL  0               0
5   2017-03-27 06:50:00 2017-10-28 06:50:00 A   DL  0               1
6   2017-03-29 06:50:00 2017-04-19 06:50:00 A   DL  0               0
7   2017-05-03 06:50:00 2017-10-25 06:50:00 A   DL  0               0
8   2017-06-25 06:50:00 2017-10-22 06:50:00 A   DL  0               0
9   2017-03-26 07:45:00 2017-10-28 07:45:00 A   DL  0               1


groups = arr.groupby(['Operator', 'Terminal'])
for row in c[(c.A_D == "D") & (c.Already_linked == 0)].itertuples():
        g = groups.get_group((row.Operator, row.Terminal))
        vb = g[(g.Already_linked==0) & (g.hour<row.hour_aux)]
        aux = (vb.START - row.x).abs().idxmin()
        c.loc[row.Index, 'a'] = vb.loc[aux].FlightID
        arr.loc[aux, 'Already_linked'] = 1

c['Already_linked'] = np.where((c.a != 0) & (c.a != 'No_link_found') & (c.A_D == 'D'), 1, c['Already_linked'])
c.Already_linked.loc[arr.Already_linked.index] = arr.Already_linked
c['a'] = np.where((c.Already_linked  == 0) & (c.A_D == 'D'),'No_link_found',c['a'])


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import io

s = '''
 A_D     Operator     FlightID    Terminal   TROUND_ID   tot
 A   QR  QR001   4   QR002       70
 D   DL  DL001   3   "        "  84
 D   DL  DL001   3   "        "  78
 D   VS  VS001   3   "        "  45
 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  9
 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  19
 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  3
 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  32
 A   DL  DL401   3   "        "  95
 A   DL  DL402   3   "        "  58

data_aux = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(s), delim_whitespace=True)
data_aux.Terminal = data_aux.Terminal.astype(str)
data_aux.tot= data_aux.tot.astype(str)

d = {'START': ['2017-03-26 16:55:00', '2017-03-26 09:30:00','2017-03-27 09:30:00','2017-10-08 15:15:00',
           '2017-03-26 06:50:00','2017-03-27 06:50:00','2017-03-29 06:50:00','2017-05-03 06:50:00',
           '2017-06-25 06:50:00','2017-03-26 07:45:00'], 'END': ['2017-10-28 16:55:00' ,'2017-06-11 09:30:00' ,
           '2017-10-28 09:30:00' ,'2017-10-22 15:15:00','2017-06-11 06:50:00' ,'2017-10-28 06:50:00', 
           '2017-04-19 06:50:00' ,'2017-10-25 06:50:00','2017-10-22 06:50:00' ,'2017-10-28 07:45:00']}    

aux_df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
aux_df.START = pd.to_datetime(aux_df.START)
aux_df.END = pd.to_datetime(aux_df.END)
c = pd.concat([aux_df, data_aux], axis = 1)
c['A_D'] = c['A_D'].astype(str)
c['Operator'] = c['Operator'].astype(str)
c['Terminal'] = c['Terminal'].astype(str)

c['hour'] = pd.to_datetime(c['START'], format='%H:%M').dt.time
c['hour_aux'] = pd.to_datetime(c['START'] - pd.Timedelta(15, unit='m'), 
c['start_day'] = c['START'].astype(str).str[0:10]
c['end_day'] = c['END'].astype(str).str[0:10]
c['x'] = c.START -  pd.to_timedelta(c.tot.astype(int), unit='m')
c["a"] = 0
c["Already_linked"] = np.where(c.TROUND_ID != "        ", 1 ,0)

arr = c[c['A_D'] == 'A']


This solution uses pd.DataFrame.isin which uses 100

显然,对于小数据集(如本示例),isin不一定更快,但对于 Big Data 集,isin的速度明显更快.您必须根据数据运行它以确定性能.


使用c = pd.concat([c] * 10000, ignore_index=True)扩展数据集

  • 将数据集长度增加3个数量级(总共10000行).
  • 将数据集长度增加4个数量级(总计100000行).
  • 将数据集长度增加5个数量级(总计1000000行).

New Method: Using isin and apply

def apply_do_g(it_row):
    This is your function, but using isin and apply

    keep = {'Operator': [it_row.Operator], 'Terminal': [it_row.Terminal]}  # dict for isin combined mask

    holder1 = arr[list(keep)].isin(keep).all(axis=1)  # create boolean mask
    holder2 = arr.Already_linked.isin([0])  # create boolean mask
    holder3 = arr.hour < it_row.hour_aux  # create boolean mask

    holder = holder1 & holder2 & holder3  # combine the masks

    holder = arr.loc[holder]

    if not holder.empty:

        aux = np.absolute(holder.START - it_row.x).idxmin()

        c.loc[it_row.name, 'a'] = holder.loc[aux].FlightID  # use with apply 'it_row.name'

        arr.loc[aux, 'Already_linked'] = 1

def new_way_2():
    keep = {'A_D': ['D'], 'Already_linked': [0]}
    df_test = c[c[list(keep)].isin(keep).all(axis=1)].copy()  # returns the resultant df
    df_test.apply(lambda row: apply_do_g(row), axis=1)  # g is multiple DataFrames"

#call the function




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