



  1. 我想知道.map()的缓慢性能是我的代码造成的还是天生的缓慢?"如果是前者,我该如何改进它.我只是惊讶于它的表现比控制慢,因为没有太多动力使用它.
  2. 我想知道是否有办法让.submit()个代码执行得更快.我有一个条件,函数_concurrent_submit()必须返回一个iterable,其中的数字/出现次数包含数字5.

Benchmark Results
benchmark results


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import concurrent.futures as cf
from time import time
from traceback import print_exc

def _findmatch(nmin, nmax, number):
    '''Function to find the occurrence of number in range nmin to nmax and return
       the found occurrences in a list.'''
    print('\n def _findmatch', nmin, nmax, number)
    start = time()
    for n in range(nmin, nmax):
        if number in str(n):
    end = time() - start
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(match),end))
    return match

def _concurrent_submit(nmax, number, workers):
    '''Function that utilises concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.submit to
       find the occurences of a given number in a number range in a parallelised
    # 1. Local variables
    start = time()
    chunk = nmax // workers
    futures = []
    found =[]
    #2. Parallelization
    with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
        # 2.1. Discretise workload and submit to worker pool
        for i in range(workers):
            cstart = chunk * i
            cstop = chunk * (i + 1) if i != workers - 1 else nmax
            futures.append(executor.submit(_findmatch, cstart, cstop, number))
        # 2.2. Instruct workers to process results as they come, when all are
        #      completed or .....
        cf.as_completed(futures) # faster than cf.wait()
        # 2.3. Consolidate result as a list and return this list.
        for future in futures:
            for f in future.result():
        foundsize = len(found)
        end = time() - start
        print('within statement of def _concurrent_submit():')
        print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(foundsize, end))
    return found

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nmax = int(1E8) # Number range maximum.
    number = str(5) # Number to be found in number range.
    workers = 6     # Pool of workers

    start = time()
    a = _concurrent_submit(nmax, number, workers)
    end = time() - start
    print('\n main')
    print('workers = ', workers)
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(a),end))


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import concurrent.futures as cf
import itertools
from time import time
from traceback import print_exc

def _findmatch(listnumber, number):    
    '''Function to find the occurrence of number in another number and return
       a string value.'''
    #print('def _findmatch(listnumber, number):')
    #print('listnumber = {0} and ref = {1}'.format(listnumber, number))
    if number in str(listnumber):
        x = listnumber
        #print('x = {0}'.format(x))
        return x 

def _concurrent_map(nmax, number, workers):
    '''Function that utilises concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.map to
       find the occurrences of a given number in a number range in a parallelised
    # 1. Local variables
    start = time()
    chunk = nmax // workers
    futures = []
    found =[]
    #2. Parallelization
    with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
        # 2.1. Discretise workload and submit to worker pool
        for i in range(workers):
            cstart = chunk * i
            cstop = chunk * (i + 1) if i != workers - 1 else nmax
            numberlist = range(cstart, cstop)
            futures.append(executor.map(_findmatch, numberlist,
        # 2.3. Consolidate result as a list and return this list.
        for future in futures:
            for f in future:
                if f:
        foundsize = len(found)
        end = time() - start
        print('within statement of def _concurrent(nmax, number):')
        print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(foundsize, end))
    return found

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nmax = int(1E8) # Number range maximum.
    number = str(5) # Number to be found in number range.
    workers = 6     # Pool of workers

    start = time()
    a = _concurrent_map(nmax, number, workers)
    end = time() - start
    print('\n main')
    print('workers = ', workers)
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(a),end))

Serial Code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from time import time

def _serial(nmax, number):    
    start = time()
    nlist = range(nmax)
    for n in nlist:
        if number in str(n):match.append(n)
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(match),end))
    return match

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nmax = int(1E8) # Number range maximum.
    number = str(5) # Number to be found in number range.

    start = time()
    a = _serial(nmax, number)
    end = time() - start
    print('\n main')
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(a),end))

Update 13th Feb 2017:


  1. 如何进一步加快@niemmi的.map().submit()解决方案,以及
  2. ProcessPoolExecutor.map()可以导致比ProcessPoolExecutor.submit()更快的速度.




  • 第1部分展示了如何从@niemmi的ProcessPoolExecutor.map()解决方案中获得更快的速度
  • 第2部分展示了ProcessPoolExecutor的子类.submit().map()何时产生非等效的计算时间.


Part 1: More Speed-up for ProcessPoolExecutor.map()


我认为@niemmi对chunk = nmax // workers的定义是chunksize的定义,即工作者池中每个工作者要处理的实际数字范围(给定任务)的较小值.现在,这个定义是基于这样一个假设:如果一台计算机有x个工作人员,那么在每个工作人员之间平均分配任务将使每个工作人员得到最佳利用,因此整个任务将以最快的速度完成.因此,将给定任务分解成的块的数量应始终等于池工作者的数量.然而,这个假设正确吗?

Proposition:在这里,我建议,当与ProcessPoolExecutor.map()一起使用时,上述假设并不总是导致最快的计算时间.而是discretising a task to an amount greater than the number of pool workers can lead to speed-up, i.e. faster completion of a given task.



nchunk over nworkers

  1. Figure on left shows the compute time taken by all the scenarios mentioned in the experiment section. It shows that the compute time taken by number of chunks / number of workers = 1 is always greater than the compute time taken by number of chunks > number of workers. That is, the former case is always less efficient than the latter.

  2. 右图显示的是a speed-up of 1.2 times or more was gained when the number of chunks / number of workers reach a threshold value of 14 or more.有趣的是,当一名工人执行ProcessPoolExecutor.map()次时,也出现了加速趋势.


concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.map() code. (revised parts only)

def _concurrent_map(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks):
    '''Function that utilises concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.map to
       find the occurrences of a given number in a number range in a parallelised
    # 1. Local variables
    start = time()
    chunksize = nmax // num_of_chunks
    futures = []
    found =[]
    #2. Parallelization
    with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
        # 2.1. Discretise workload and submit to worker pool
        cstart = (chunksize * i for i in range(num_of_chunks))
        cstop = (chunksize * i if i != num_of_chunks else nmax
                 for i in range(1, num_of_chunks + 1))
        futures = executor.map(_findmatch, cstart, cstop,
        # 2.2. Consolidate result as a list and return this list.
        for future in futures:
            for f in future:
                if f:
        foundsize = len(found)
        end = time() - start
        print('\n within statement of def _concurrent(nmax, number):')
        print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(foundsize, end))
    return found

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nmax = int(1E8) # Number range maximum.
    number = str(5) # Number to be found in number range.
    workers = 4     # Pool of workers
    chunks_vs_workers = 14 # A factor of =>14 can provide optimum performance  
    num_of_chunks = chunks_vs_workers * workers

    start = time()
    a = _concurrent_map(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks)
    end = time() - start
    print('\n main')
    print('nmax={}, workers={}, num_of_chunks={}'.format(
          nmax, workers, num_of_chunks))
    print('workers = ', workers)
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(a),end))


Part 2: Total compute time from using ProcessPoolExecutor subclasses .submit() and .map() can be dissimilar when returning a sorted/ordered result list.

Background:我修改了.submit().map()代码,允许对它们的计算时间进行"苹果对苹果"的比较,并能够可视化主代码的计算时间,主代码调用的_concurrent方法的计算时间,以执行并发操作,以及_concurrent方法调用的每个离散化任务/工作者的计算时间.此外,这些代码中的并发方法的 struct 是直接从future 的对象.submit()和迭代器.map()返回结果的无序和有序列表.下面提供了源代码(Hope it helps you.).



  1. 从_concurrent方法的结果中,我们可以看到_concurrent方法用于创建ProcessPoolExecutor.submit()的所有future 对象的计算时间,以及创建ProcessPoolExecutor.map()的迭代器的计算时间,作为离散化任务数量与池工作者数量的函数,是等价的.这个结果仅仅意味着ProcessPoolExecutor个子类.submit().map()同样高效/快速.
  2. 比较main和它的_并发方法的计算时间,我们可以看到main比它的_并发方法运行的时间更长.这是意料之中的,因为它们的时差反映了listsorted种方法(以及这些方法中包含的其他方法)的计算时间.显然,list方法返回结果列表所需的计算时间比sorted方法少.这两种方法的平均计算时间均为list次.提交()和.map()代码类似,大约为0.47秒.排序方法的平均计算时间.提交()和.map()代码分别为1.23秒和1.01秒.换言之,list法的测试速度是sorted法的2.62倍和2.15倍.提交()和.map()代码.
  3. 目前尚不清楚为什么sorted方法会从
  4. 在我的答案的第一部分中提到的离散化方案显示在这里,以加快.submit().map()子类的性能.当离散化任务的数量与池工作人员的数量相等时,速度可以高达20%.

Improved .map() code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import concurrent.futures as cf
from time import time
from itertools import repeat, chain 

def _findmatch(nmin, nmax, number):
    '''Function to find the occurence of number in range nmin to nmax and return
       the found occurences in a list.'''
    start = time()
    for n in range(nmin, nmax):
        if number in str(n):
    end = time() - start
    #print("\n def _findmatch {0:<10} {1:<10} {2:<3} found {3:8} in {4:.4f}sec".
    #      format(nmin, nmax, number, len(match),end))
    return match

def _concurrent(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks):
    '''Function that utilises concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.map to
       find the occurrences of a given number in a number range in a concurrent
    # 1. Local variables
    start = time()
    chunksize = nmax // num_of_chunks
    #2. Parallelization
    with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
        # 2.1. Discretise workload and submit to worker pool
        cstart = (chunksize * i for i in range(num_of_chunks))
        cstop = (chunksize * i if i != num_of_chunks else nmax
                 for i in range(1, num_of_chunks + 1))
        futures = executor.map(_findmatch, cstart, cstop, repeat(number))
    end = time() - start
    print('\n within statement of def _concurrent_map(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks):')
    print("found in {0:.4f}sec".format(end))
    return list(chain.from_iterable(futures)) #Return an unordered result list
    #return sorted(chain.from_iterable(futures)) #Return an ordered result list

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nmax = int(1E8) # Number range maximum.
    number = str(5) # Number to be found in number range.
    workers = 6     # Pool of workers
    chunks_vs_workers = 30 # A factor of =>14 can provide optimum performance 
    num_of_chunks = chunks_vs_workers * workers

    start = time()
    found = _concurrent(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks)
    end = time() - start
    print('\n main')
    print('nmax={}, workers={}, num_of_chunks={}'.format(
          nmax, workers, num_of_chunks))
    #print('found = ', found)
    print("found {0} in {1:.4f}sec".format(len(found),end))    

Improved .submit() code.

def _concurrent(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks):
    '''Function that utilises concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.submit to
       find the occurrences of a given number in a number range in a concurrent
    # 1. Local variables
    start = time()
    chunksize = nmax // num_of_chunks
    futures = []
    #2. Parallelization
    with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
        # 2.1. Discretise workload and submit to worker pool
        for i in range(num_of_chunks):
            cstart = chunksize * i
            cstop = chunksize * (i + 1) if i != num_of_chunks - 1 else nmax
            futures.append(executor.submit(_findmatch, cstart, cstop, number))
    end = time() - start
    print('\n within statement of def _concurrent_submit(nmax, number, workers, num_of_chunks):')
    print("found in {0:.4f}sec".format(end))
    return list(chain.from_iterable(f.result() for f in cf.as_completed(
        futures))) #Return an unordered list
    #return list(chain.from_iterable(f.result() for f in cf.as_completed(
    #    futures))) #Return an ordered list





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