
SELECT ot.id, ot.parent_id, ot.id_object_types AS object_type, ot.object_code, ot.name,
  u.login, u.last_seen, u.pass_upd, u.pass_default, ct.citizens_total, fl.downloaded as files_downloaded, fl.total AS files_total,
  ct0.type0, ct1.type1, ct2.type2 
  FROM public.object_tree AS ot
  LEFT JOIN admin.admin_user AS u ON ot.object_code = u.r8012

  LEFT JOIN (select object_code, count(uploaded)::int as total, count(downloaded)::int as downloaded 
  from web.files f group by object_code) as fl ON fl.object_code = ot.object_code

  LEFT JOIN (select distinct ct.code_obj AS object_code, count(ct.citizens_id)::int as citizens_total 
  from tbd.citizens_vk ct WHERE ct.actual = 1 group by ct.code_obj) as ct ON ct.object_code = ot.object_code 
  LEFT JOIN (select distinct ct.code_obj AS object_code, count(ct.citizens_id)::int as type0 
  from tbd.citizens_vk ct WHERE ct.type_db = '0' AND ct.actual = 1 group by ct.code_obj) as ct0 ON ct0.object_code = ot.object_code 

  LEFT JOIN (select distinct ct.code_obj AS object_code, count(ct.citizens_id)::int as type1 
  from tbd.citizens_vk ct WHERE ct.type_db = '1' AND ct.actual = 1 group by ct.code_obj) as ct1 ON ct1.object_code = ot.object_code

  LEFT JOIN (select distinct ct.code_obj AS object_code, count(ct.citizens_id)::int as type2 
  from tbd.citizens_vk ct WHERE ct.type_db = '2' AND ct.actual = 1 group by ct.code_obj) as ct2 ON ct2.object_code = ot.object_code

  WHERE ot.id IN ( $1:csv )
  ORDER BY ot.id

是否有可能减少加入tbd.citizen_vk表的数量? 因为由于加入数量较多,客户端的请求需要很长时间来处理.


您可以使用aggregate filter clause在单次扫描中获得四种不同的计数,只需使用单个join:

SELECT  ot.id, ot.parent_id, ot.id_object_types AS object_type, 
        ot.object_code, ot.name,
        u.login, u.last_seen, u.pass_upd, u.pass_default,
        fl.downloaded as files_downloaded, fl.到tal AS files_到tal,
        ct.type0, ct.type1, ct.type2 
FROM public.object_tree AS ot
LEFT JOIN admin.admin_user AS u 
    ON  ot.object_code = u.r8012
    AND ot.id IN ( $1:csv )
    select  object_code, 
            count(uploaded)::int as 到tal, 
            count(downloaded)::int as downloaded 
    from web.files f 
    group by object_code) AS fl USING(object_code)
    select  ct.code_obj AS object_code, 
            count(ct.citizens_id)::int as citizens_到tal,
            (count(ct.citizens_id)filter(where ct.type_db ='0'))::int AS type0, 
            (count(ct.citizens_id)filter(where ct.type_db ='1'))::int AS type1, 
            (count(ct.citizens_id)filter(where ct.type_db ='2'))::int AS type2, 
    from tbd.citizens_vk ct 
    WHERE ct.actual = 1 
    group by ct.code_obj) AS ct USING(object_code)
ORDER BY ot.id
  1. group by暗示了distinct,所以您可以跳过它.

  2. 请注意count(*) and count(ct.citizens_id)之间的区别:

    count ( * ) → bigint
    Computes the number of input rows.

    count ( "any" ) → bigint
    Computes the number of input rows in which the input value is not null.


  3. 您正在处理匹配的列名,因此可以join using().这缩短了这个:

    table1 as a join table2 as b on a.some_column=b.some_column

    table1 join table2 using (some_column)




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