

ALTER TABLE workers_times ADD CONSTRAINT no_overlap_times EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id WITH =, available WITH &&)


CREATE INDEX I_WORKERS_TIMES ON workers_times(user_id, available);



从它自动创建索引的意义上说,它是一个索引.严格来说,Constraints不一定要涉及一个指数,this one does:


您的怀疑是正确的,因为unique(因此也是primary key)会自动创建索引并由索引强制执行,而创建唯一约束有时会换成只创建唯一索引,因为它们最终提供了相同的功能:


请记住,所有这些都只是实现细节,无论多么不可能,它们都可能在future 发生变化

psql中,您可以运行\d+ workers_times元命令来查看表上的所有约束and索引,无论它们是单独创建的还是作为约束的一部分--此排除约束以索引demo的形式列出

create table workers_times(
    user_id uuid,
    available tstzrange);

create extension btree_gist;

ALTER TABLE workers_times 
  ADD CONSTRAINT no_overlap_times 
  EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id WITH =, available WITH &&);
\d+ workers_times
                                         Table "public.workers_times"
  Column   |   Type    | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Compression | Stats target | Description
 user_id   | uuid      |           |          |         | plain    |             |              |
 available | tstzrange |           |          |         | extended |             |              |
    "no_overlap_times" EXCLUDE USING gist (user_id WITH =, available WITH &&)
Access method: heap

Here's a table显示了索引、约束、作为约束的索引和排除约束之间的区别:

control over index constraint index as constraint exclusion constraint
collation, direction, null order YES no no YES
custom equality no no no YES
include payload column YES YES YES YES
index storage parameters YES YES YES YES
tablespace YES YES YES YES
partial (WHERE) YES no no YES
multi-column YES YES YES YES
deferred validation no YES YES YES
nulls not distinct YES YES YES YES* (emulated by coalesce() or requires not distinct from operator)
creating concurrently YES no YES no (and no equivalent index syntax to enable adding as constraint)



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