
How do state of the art decompilers recognize if a branch target is still in the function or is it a new function? Do they rely on the branch target's value and see if it lands on a different section in the TEXT segment?
What about branch targets that are in the same sections but are still considered new functions? Is there a rule of thumb for ARM64 saying that if a branch target is too far by some threshold from the current address it's considered a new boundary thus a new function? Like in x86 where you have different encodings for far jump and short jump, where short jump may be considered a label in a function and far jump probably not.

我可能会补充说,我现在正在判断的目标二进制文件是用Objective-C编写的Machos,我试图使用Ghidra来验证我的发现,所以它可能会使用一些更多的启发式方法,比如查看跳转目标是在__stubs节还是__objc_stubs节中,或者甚至分析块 struct 来识别更多的过程(尽管从Ghidra反编译的最后一点似乎没有识别这些 struct )?




核心问题是,在程序集合级上没有"功能"的概念.输出到高级语言(如C)的标签应该符合特定的ABI,但对于其他任何东西,所有的赌注都是错误的.即使是出口的东西,如果你面对的是恶意作者(考虑:恶意软件),那么他们可能也会 Select destruct 这份合同,以掩盖二进制文件的工作原理.但即使是非恶意的二进制文件,如果有人使用苹果支持的ARM64目标-O3 -flto -moutline,你也会受到伤害.


  • Has x30 been saved somewhere?
    Usually this will happen by an stp x29, x30, [sp, ...] instruction, and go along with decreasing sp. If this is the case, then with b you're likely looking at a branch within the same function. If this is not the case, then you don't know whether this is a tail call or a jump within the same function.

    假设:使用X30作为链路寄存器.混乱器可以使用其他东西,例如,通过adr x17, ...; b _func来进行函数调用,然后x17将是链接寄存器.这也可以按功能随机化.

  • Are there any functions in between the current address and the jump target?
    Maybe your binary has symbols, maybe LC_FUNCTION_STARTS, maybe your decompilation has already identified function units, etc.


  • Is the jump target jumped to from any other function?
    If there are other callsites from code that you have already determined belongs to a different function, then the jump target can't belong to either of those functions.


  • Does the called code maintain the ABI in and out that you expect from a function?
    ABI violations should be trivial to determine. ABI conformance would need something like explicit register spilling to give you confidence. But if it conforms to the expected ABI, then it most likely is its own function. If not, then it's probably either part of the function that jumps to it, or it's code that was outlined.

但这些都不能保证会发生,而且总会有两种 Select 都有可能的情况.



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