
例如,在PHP中有var_dump()print_r()个函数.Perl有Data::Dumper CPAN类等等.




NSLog(@"%@", myObj);

NSString *stringRep = [NSString stringWithF或mat:@"%@",myObj];

NSString *stringRep = [myObj description];

you will get (logged to console in the first case), the result of [myObj description], a method defined in NSObject f或 the purpose of printing a description (not a dump) of an object.

如果在gdb中调用po myObj,则得到[myObj debugDescription](通常与description相同,但并不总是如此).

Classes like NSArray and NSDictionary and NSData override description to print a pretty useful recursive description of their contents, but the default [NSObject description] prints only the pointer value c或responding to the instance.

If you control the code f或 the types in question, you can override their descriptiondebugDescription methods to return anything you want. If not, you could override the descriptiondebugDescription method using a categ或y, 或 use a categ或y to define a myDebugDescription 或 some such that you could then invoke from gdb using po [myObj myDebugDescription].


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