所以我想使用Express、Mongoose和Multer的GridFS存储引擎来存储upload large CSV files to a mongoDB cloud database using a Node.js server个,但是when the file upload starts, my database becomes unable to handle any other API requests个.例如,如果在上传文件时,另一个客户端请求从数据库获取用户,服务器将接收该请求并try 从MongoDB云获取用户,but the request will get stuck因为大文件上传会占用所有计算资源.结果,客户端执行的get请求将不会向用户until返回正在进行的文件上载完成.

我知道,如果一个线程执行回调(事件循环)或任务(工作线程)需要很长时间,那么它会被认为是"阻塞"的,并且该 node 也会被阻塞.js在事件循环中运行JavaScript代码,同时它提供了一个工作池来处理昂贵的任务,如文件I/O.我已经读了this blog post by NodeJs.org篇文章,以保持您的 node .js服务器速度很快,在任何给定时间与每个客户机相关的工作都必须是"小"的,我的目标应该是minimize the variation in Task times.这样做的原因是,如果一个工作人员的当前任务比其他任务要昂贵得多,那么它将无法处理其他挂起的任务,从而将工作人员池的大小减少一个,直到任务完成.

换句话说,执行大文件上传的客户端正在执行一项昂贵的任务,这会降低工作池的吞吐量,进而降低服务器的吞吐量.根据上述博客帖子,当每个子任务完成时,它应该提交下一个子任务,当最后一个子任务完成时,它应该通知提交者.This way, between each sub-Task of the long Task(大文件上传),the Worker can work on a sub-Task from a shorter Task,从而解决了阻塞问题.

However, I do not know how to implement this solution in actual code.有没有具体的分区函数可以解决这个问题?我是否必须使用特定的上传架构或 node 包而不是multer gridfs存储来上传文件?请帮忙


   // Adjust how files get stored.
   const storage = new GridFsStorage({
       // The DB connection
       db: globalConnection, 
       // The file's storage configurations.
       file: (req, file) => {
           // Return the file's data to the file property.
           return fileData;

   // Configure a strategy for uploading files.
   const datasetUpload = multer({ 
       // Set the storage strategy.
       storage: storage,

       // Set the size limits for uploading a file to 300MB.
       limits: { fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 300 },
       // Set the file filter.
       fileFilter: fileFilter,

   // Upload a dataset file.
   router.post('/add/dataset', async (req, res)=>{
       // Begin the file upload.
       datasetUpload.single('file')(req, res, function (err) {
           // Get the parsed file from multer.
           const file = req.file;
           // Upload Success. 
           return res.status(200).send(file);


所以经过几天的研究,我发现问题的根源不是 node .JS或我的文件上传实现.The problem was that I was using the "Serverless pricing package" of MongoDB Atlas that couldn't handle the file upload workload at the same time with other operations such as fetching users from my database.事实证明, node .js正在接收来自其他客户端的API调用,但他们没有返回任何结果,因为they were getting stuck at the DB level.一旦我把集群升级到M10 dedicated cluster that uses 2 vCPUs,问题就解决了.

根据this blog post about MongoDB Best Practices,相对于CPU数量的活动线程总数(即并发操作)会影响性能,从而影响 node 的吞吐量.js服务器.



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