我注意到NuGet最近添加了对几个新的TFM的支持,这些TFM与.NET Core,包括:

  • netst和ard (1.0-1.5)
  • netst和ardapp (1.5)
  • netcoreapp (1.0)


同时,根据this documentnetst和ardapp的说法,它更像是中的一个控制台应用程序.网芯;它代表着任何人都无法理解的东西.NET核心运行时(例如CoreCLR、CoreRT).

那么,netcoreapp到底应该是什么呢?我发现了它here,的跟踪问题,其中在底部有一条 comments ,有点解释了区别是什么,但我不明白两者之间有什么区别





这个NET标准库(netstandard)是跨应用程序模型的一致性库.NET Core(netcoreapp)运行在顶部.NET标准库,是一个AppModel.在GitHub页面上,他们回答了一个问题.NET标准应用程序是什么,它们的区别是什么.净芯(https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/Documentation/architecture/net-standard-applications.md)和(https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/Documentation/architecture/net-platform-standard.md)


Q: What is a .NET Standard application?
A: A .NET Standard application is an application that can run on any .NET Core runtime: CoreCLR (current) and .NETNative (future). It can run on one of many .NET core platforms (Windows, OS X, and Linux). It relies on the host provided by the given runtime. It's a composable framework built from the packages on which the application depends. Its assembly loading policy permits newer versions of dependencies without any application configuration (for example, BindingRedirects are not required).


Q: How is this different than .NETStandard?
A: The NETStandard target framework is an abstract target framework that represents API surface of many frameworks and platforms. As such NETStandard assemblies can run on any platform that supports the NETStandard targeted by that assembly, for example: .NET Desktop, Windows Phone, Universal Windows Platform applications, .NET Standard applications, etc. NETStandardApplication is a concrete target framework that represents a single platform with both API surface and implementation. .NET standard applications are runnable on their own. .NETStandard libraries must be published-for or consumed-by a specific concrete target framework to be used in that type of application.

Overview of .NET Future innovation




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