我正在try 查找所有未读消息,通过聊天ID和用户ID.未读消息是如果chats_users.max_read_date小于message.create_date,message.from_id不等于用户.



如何创建一个条件,以便对于每个聊天,找到它的Chats_USERS,然后只 Select 那些不是由发出请求的用户和所有其他聊天者写的消息,并且消息message.create_date的创建日期大于chats_users.max_read_date


type ChatsUsers struct {
    ID     string `json:"id" bson:"id"`
    ChatID string `json:"chat_id" bson:"chat_id"`
    // user ID, which corresponds to the user ID in the system.
    UserID string `json:"user_id" bson:"user_id"`
    // MaxReadDate time of the last message read
    MaxReadDate int64 `json:"max_read_date" bson:"max_read_date"`


type Message struct {
    ID         string `json:"id" bson:"id"`
    ChatID     string `json:"chat_id" bson:"chat_id"`
    FromID     string `json:"from_id" bson:"from_id"`
    CreateDate int64  `json:"create_date" bson:"create_date"`
    Body     string `json:"body" bson:"body"`
Rewrite the query to get a single aggregation, the purpose of the query is to find all messages, by all chats that are unread and unscripted by a non-user, the uid variable is the user looking for such messages

fun (r *Mongo) UnreadMessageCount(ctx context.Context, chats []*Chat, uid string) (map[string]int64, error) {

    match := bson.A{}
    for _, chat := range chats {
        match = append(match, chat.ID)

    chatsUsersList := make([]*domain.ChatsUsers, 0)
    for _, ch := range chats {
        chu, err := r.FindChatUser(ctx, ch.ID, uid)
        if err != nil {
            l.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to find chat user")
            return nil, err
        chatsUsersList = append(chatsUsersList, chu)

    list := make([]*domain.Message, 0)

    for _, ch := range chats {
        for _, chu := range chatsUsersList {
            if chu.ChatID == ch.ID {
                filter := bson.D{
                    // search for messages by active chat IDs
                    { Key: "chat_id", Value: ch.ID},
                    // add filtering: that the message has not yet been read,
                    // and that the messages we select are not written by the current user.
                    {Key: "$and",
                        Value: bson.A{
                                    Key: "create_date", Value: bson.D{ bson.D{
                                    // $gt Matches values that are greater than the specified value.
                                    { Key: "$gt", Value: chu.MaxReadDate}}
                                // $ne Matches all values that are not equal to the specified value.
                                // https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query-comparison/
                                {Key: "from_id", Value: bson.M{"$ne": uid}}

                cursor, err := r.colMessage.Find(ctx, filter)

                var res []*domain.Message

    // it doesn't make sense to use an array of messages, we need to create a map,
    // which will have the chat ID and the number of unread messages in it.
    messages := make(map[string]int64)
    for _, msg := range list {

    return messages, nil

我的try (抱歉,这是一个非常不正确的查询,但我仍在try 编写正确的查询)

        $match: {
            $expr: {
                $and: [
                        chat_id: {
                            $in: ["ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2"]
                        from_id: {
                            $ne: "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b1d"
                        $gt: ["$create_date", { $max: "$chats_users.max_read_date" }]
        $lookup: {
            from: "chatsusers",
            localField: "chat_id",
            foreignField: "chat_id",
            as: "chats_users"
        $unwind: "$chats_users"
        $group: {
            _id: "$chat_id",
            messages: {
                $push: {
                    id: "$id",
                    chat_id: "$chat_id",
                    from_id: "$from_id",
                    create_date: "$create_date",
                    type: "$type",
                    media: "$media",
                    body: "$body",
                    update_at: "$update_at",
                    modifications: "$modifications",
                    viewed: "$viewed"
            max_read_date: { $max: "$chats_users.max_read_date" }


      "_id": {
        "$oid": "63f502d3c1be2b78aaa6152e"
      "body": "полковник конь тобі копитом в грудь! 3",
      "chat_id": "ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2",
      "create_date": 1677001427977,
      "from_id": "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b1d5g",
      "id": "G30uZ1HvlYQCZVwRRTBi",
      "media": "",
      "modifications": null,
      "type": "text",
      "update_at": 0,
      "viewed": false
      "_id": {
        "$oid": "63f502d2c1be2b78aaa6152d"
      "body": "полковник конь тобі копитом в грудь! 2",
      "chat_id": "ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2",
      "create_date": 1677001428101,
      "from_id": "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b1d5g",
      "id": "RzrfvZuLWyhrKOHEx5gK",
      "media": "",
      "modifications": null,
      "type": "text",
      "update_at": 0,
      "viewed": false

      "_id": {"$oid": "63f5002735bb916dab3f2bb2"},
      "body": "after you",
      "chat_id": "ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2-y7y3r2",
      "create_date": 1677001427398,
      "from_id": "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b23",
      "id": "e5189d64-0c43-41dd-befa-f554d09475cf",
      "media": "",
      "modifications": null,
      "type": "text",
      "update_at": 0,
      "viewed": true
      "_id": {"$oid": "63f5002735bb916dab3f2bb1"},
      "body": "I'm not religious",
      "chat_id": "ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2-y7y3r2",
      "create_date": 1677001427327,
      "from_id": "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b23",
      "id": "a1fbc6b0-5f8d-4fa2-aef7-807314dfba0d",
      "media": "",
      "modifications": null,
      "type": "text",
      "update_at": 0,
      "viewed": true

Test data


        $match: {
            user_id: "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b1d",
            chat_id: { $in: ["ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2"] },
        $lookup: {
            from: "message",
            let: { chat_id: "$chat_id", max_read_date: "$max_read_date" },
            pipeline: [
                    $match: {
                        $expr: {
                            $and: [
                                { $eq: ["$chat_id", "$$chat_id"] },
                                { $ne: ["$from_id", "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b1d"] },
                                { $gt: ["$create_date", "$$max_read_date"] },
            as: "messages"
        $project: {
            chat_id: 1,
            message_count: { $size: "$messages" }



        $match: {
            chat_id: {
                $in: ["ad0a3405-1a16-48f9-93e6-51b17a7283e2", "22e1e6f1-459a-4ed1-bc8f-c9947492972d"],
        $lookup: {
            from: "message",
            localField: "chat_id",
            foreignField: "chat_id",
            let: { chat_id: "$chat_id", max_read_date: "$max_read_date" },
            pipeline: [
                    $match: {
                        $expr: {
                            $and: [
                                { $eq: ["$chat_id", "$$chat_id"] },
                                { $ne: ["$from_id", "63f5002735bb916dab3f2b1e"] },
                                { $gt: ["$create_date", "$$max_read_date"] },
            as: "messages"
        $project: {
            chat_id: 1,
            message_count: { $size: "$messages" },
        $group: {
            _id: "$chat_id",
            message_count: { $sum: "$message_count" },
        $sort: { "message_count": -1 },
        $project: {
            _id: 0,
            chat_id: "$_id",
            message_count: 1,




对对象数组进行分组并在 mongodb 中获取计数

尽管前一阶段输出文档,$group stage 仍返回零文档



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