The Setup:
Imagine a 'twitter like' service where a user submits a post, which is then read by many (hundreds, thousands, or more) users.


考虑到这一点,我的研究似乎有力地指向了一个方向,即对90%的用户使用缓存,然后将帖子也存储在另一个长期的持久系统中.到目前为止,我的 idea 是使用Redis进行缓存.其优点是Redis速度非常快,并且内置了pub/sub,非常适合向许多人发布帖子.然后,我考虑使用MongoDB作为一个更永久的数据存储,来存储那些在Redis到期后将被访问的帖子.

1. Does this architecture hold water? Is there a better way to do this?
2. Regarding the mechanism for storing posts in both the Redis & MongoDB, I was thinking about having the app do 2 writes: 1st - write to Redis, it then is immediately available for the subscribers. 2nd - after successfully storing to Redis, write to MongoDB immediately. Is this the best way to do it? Should I instead have Redis push the expired posts to MongoDB itself? I thought about this, but I couldn't find much information on pushing to MongoDB from Redis directly.



MongoDB with redis


现在,让Redis用于排队、wine 吧/wine 吧等可能更简单一些...并仅将用户数据存储在MongoDB中.理由是,您不必为两个具有不同模式的store 设计类似的数据访问路径(这项工作的困难部分).此外,MongoDB具有内置的水平可扩展性(副本集、自动分片等)而Redis只能自己动手.

关于第二个问题,写信给两家store 是最简单的方法.没有将Redis活动复制到MongoDB的内置功能.不过,设计一个监听Redis队列(活动将在其中发布)并写入MongoDB的守护程序并不难.







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