
[ ]
< >
[< >]
[< >...]


Square Brackets [ ]

方括号([])表示封闭的元素(参数、值或信息)是可选的.您可以 Select 一个或多个项目,也可以不 Select 任何项目.不要在命令行中键入方括号.

示例:[global options], [source arguments], [destination arguments]

Angle Brackets < >

The angle brackets ( < > ) indicate that the enclosed element (parameter, value, or information) is mandatory. You are required to replace the text within the angle brackets with the appropriate information. Do not type the angle brackets themselves in the command line.

示例:-f [set the File Name variable], -printer <printer name>, -repeat <months> <days> <hours> <minutes>, date access <mm/dd/yyyy>



 -A, --almost-all           do not list implied . and ..
     --author               with -l, print the author of each file
 -b, --escape               print octal escapes for nongraphic characters
     --block-size=SIZE      use SIZE-byte blocks
 -B, --ignore-backups       do not list implied entries ending with ~
 -c                         with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last
                              modification of file status information)
                              with -l: show ctime and sort by name
                              otherwise: sort by ctime'
 -C                         list entries by columns



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