(I come from Visual Studio + Entity Framework background and trying to locate equivalent functionality in Laravel + Eloquent)

In EF and Visual Studio, we add a new Model to our application and just tell it about our existing database. EF can then generate Models for my tables with public properties for columns. This gives us all those IDE and compiler benefits such as Intellisense, spelling-error detection etc.

I've recently stated exploring VS Code, Laravel and Eloquent. Going through all those tutorials and articles, I'm not sure when and how these properties are generated in the model classes. I just tried artisan make:model command and it did generate the model class, but there are no properties in it. So,

  1. 我应该手写吗?(真的吗?)
  2. 这些只是带有getter/setter的公共变量还是标准属性(请原谅我的.NET心态:)?
  3. Is there a tool/extension that could examine my database and create models with properties for their columns?


To the people who answered my question, thanks a lot. Plus some of the comments I posted were due to my ignorance about PHP's (strange IMO) approach about member access; I just found out that PHP does not complain about non-existing class members and instead generates them on the fly (e.g. $post->NonExistingMember = SomeValue runs okay; this would not even compile in most other languages that I know). Big surprise for me. I have used C++, VB, C#, Java among several other languages and haven't seen that behavior anywhere else. All those languages would throw a compile-time error straight away saying something like Type X does not contain a member named Y. Cannot see how PHP's different approach fits together with OOP.

The actual problem that I posted this question for still remains unresolved. Although I can use reliese/laravel to generate Model classes for my database, the tool still does not generate class members against table columns, so I do not get auto-complete benefits. I'd love to hear from the experts if that can be done (automatically of course).

使现代化 2




PHP是一种动态语言,其代码是动态编译的(这与C#和VB.NET不同).您的模型类不需要显式定义成员以使其可访问/可分配,因此只要它们扩展Model(Laravel Eloquent中的内置类),就可以将值分配给与基础数据库表列同名的不存在成员,Eloquent将为您将其存储在数据库中.例如,如果数据库中有一个posts表,其列名为body,则可以编写以下代码在数据库中创建新记录:

$p = new Post;
$p->body = 'Some stuff';

Of course you need to have a class Post in your project that extends from Model but you don't need to define a member body inside that class. This would sound strange to the people coming from .NET world, but that's how dynamic languages work.

至于自动生成模型,Laravel包括可以为您生成模型的内置命令(php artisan make:model).

最后,对于intellisense和auto complete,使用与Laravel本身相同的工具,即DocBlocks.这些是PHP中的特殊注释类型,您可以使用它们记录代码元素.因此,您可以向所有包含属性名称和类型的模型类添加DocBlocks.幸运的是,VS代码中有一个非常简洁的扩展,可以自动为您实现这一点.使用以下命令安装它:

composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper


php artisan ide-helper:models --dir='app'

扩展将获取数据库的 struct ,并将DocBlocks注入所有模型,如下所示:

 * App\User
 * @property int $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $created_at
 * @property \Illuminate\Support\Carbon|null $updated_at
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\App\User whereCreatedAt($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\App\User whereId($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\App\User whereName($value)
 * @method static \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|\App\Exam whereUpdatedAt($value)
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class User extends Model

VS Code will now show you table field names in model properties, like this (see how intellisense brings up name member from our DocBlocks as we type na...):

enter image description here Note that I also have Intelephense installed in my VS Code, though I'm not sure if that is required for auto-complete feature to work.



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