I have to make a webapplication with many different modules (like a todo-module, document-modules, and a big usermanagement-module for admin users). The total number of pages is > 100. And the module access is different for each user.

I am working with Laravel and Vue-router.


  1. 创建一个SPA应用程序,每个应用程序都有一个大型vue路由?
  2. 每个模块都有一个单独的"SPA"(带和自己的vue路由)?
  3. Or another suggestion...?


Little late but I will try to answer the question. This is more an architectural question than just routing level question.

TLDR: You will need a mix of approaches. One approach won't fit.


First, you should determine if you are going with HTML 5 history mode or hash mode It is 2018, and I definitely recommend that you use HTML5 history mode.



我不确定你是否知道这一点,但micro-frontends是你正在寻找的术语.基本上,这是你的第一条隔离线.你应该把你的应用分成多个较小的apply.每个应用程序都有其根组件router、模型、服务等.您将共享许多组件(当然,word very large应用程序很重要.我是认真的.)


If you have chosen to go ahead with Micro-frontends, then you might consider mono-repo setup using Lerna or Builder.

4. Routing Module - Initialization

无论微应用如何,你的应用都应该有一个起点——main.jsindex.js.在这个文件中,您应该初始化所有的单例内容.典型Vue中的主要单例实体.js应用程序有Root ComponentData StoreRouter等.



Routing module should be further split into smaller modules. Use simple functions and ES modules to do that. Each function will be responsible for returning a RouteConfig object. This is how it will look:

const route: RouteConfig = {
    path: '/some-path',
    component: AppComponent,
    children: [

function getWelcomeRoute(): RouteConfig {
    return {
        name: ROUTE_WELCOME,
        path: '',
        component: WelcomeComponent


function getLazyWelcomeRoute(): RouteConfig {

    // IMPORTANT for lazy loading
    const LazyWelcomeComponent = () => import('views/WelcomeComponent.vue');

    return {
        name: ROUTE_WELCOME,
        path: '',
        component: LazyWelcomeComponent

You cannot do this unless you use bundler like Webpack or Rollup.

5. Routing Module - Guard

This is very important

我假设您正在为非常大的应用程序使用某种类型的数据存储,如Redux或Vuex.如果您要编写路由级别保护,那么您将需要参考Redux/Vuexstore 的数据来做出授权决策.这意味着您需要将存储注入到路由模块中.要做到这一点,最简单的方法是将路由初始化封装到如下函数中:

export function makeRouter(store: Store<AppState>): VueRouter {
    // Now you can access store here
    return new VueRouter({
        mode: 'history',
        routes: [

Now you can simply call this function from your entry-point file.

6. Routing Module - Default route

Remember to define a default catch-all route to show generic/intelligent 404 message to your users.


Since we are really talking about very large application, it is better to avoid direct access to a router within your component. Instead, keep your router data in sync with your data store like vuex-router-sync . You will save the painful amount of bugs by doing this.

8. Routing Module - Side effects

You will often use $router.replace() or $router.push() within your components. From a component perspective, it is a side effect. Instead, handle programmatic router navigation outside of your component. Create a central place for all router navigation. Dispatch a request/action to this external entity to handle these side effects for you. TLDR; Don't do routing side effect directly within your components. It will make your components SOLID and easy to test. In our case, we use redux-observable to handle routing side effects.

I hope this covers all the aspects of routing for a very large scale application.





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